The Concept of Stent Grafting in Acute, Non-complicated Type B Dissection

来源 :BITs 2rd Annual World Cancer Congress of Cardiology-2010(201 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenjie033
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  Dissection is the most common aortic catastrophe with an incidence of 5-30 cases/1,000,000/yr (Bickerstaff et al,1982).This injury is initiated by a sudden tear in the aortic intima and results in a rapid surge of blood into the aortic intramural space.The blood surge splits the media longitudinally and circumferentially, usually in an antegrade direction,resulting in two distinct channels for blood flow; the true and false lumens.Outcomes of this aortic emergency may include true lumen compression, malperfusion of the aorta and/or branch vessels, and aortic rupture.A type B dissection involves only the aorta distal to the left subclavian artcry.
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明明知道喝多了酒会伤身,可是不喝酒又不行,无奈之下只好硬着头皮喝了再说。 职场上不少人都面临这种应酬压力,一些关于喝酒时保肝护胃的“秘诀”也被人口口相传,相互效仿,如喝酒前喝大量牛奶、在白酒中加一个生鸡蛋、在市场上买些解酒药等。对此,专业人士指出,这些方法未必真的有效果,应酬喝酒还是得讲究文明、适量,千万不要盲目地认为自己有秘诀,就有恃无恐地喝酒,危及健康。  疑问一 白酒加生鸡蛋,能免酒后伤身?
  While rare, cardiac tumors frequently necessitate surgical removal.Non-invasive cardiac imaging is often the first step in the diagnostic work up, including
【摘要】作文教学是语文教学的重点和难点。我们教师总觉得作文教学无处着手、无话可讲、无法可想;学生写来也是思维混乱、索然无味、语句艰涩。如何根据学生实际,改进教学方法,提高作文效果,是摆在我们每一位语文教师面前的严峻任务。我们认为作文教学要遵循作文教学的效果。  【关键词】初中作文;教学方法;作文效果;思考  【中图分类号】 G633.34 【文献标识码】 C【文章编号】1671-1270(2010
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