
来源 :第七届中国功能玻璃学术研讨会暨新型光电子材料国际论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsj1234567
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A wide variety of activation ions have been used as near infrared (NIR) luminescent centres.However, when it comes to persistent luminescence, the numbers of known activators are relatively low.Here,
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We demonstrate all-solid optical fibers combined with fluoride and chalcogenide glasses.They are thermally matched in order to be drawn from a hybrid preform directly.The refraction difference between
A novel Tm3+-doped lead silicate glass with good thermal stability was prepared in this work.Various concentrations of Tm2O3 ranging from 0.1wt%, 1wt%,2wt%, 3wt%, 4wt% to 5wt% were doped into the glas
Yb3+/Al3+ co-doped silica glasses modified with different amounts of fluorine were prepared by sol-gel method combining with high temperature sintering.The optical and spectroscopic properties of thes
The Stark energy level splitting of Yb3+ ion in Fluorophosphate (FP) and Phosphate (P) glasses is derived from the low temperature absorption and emission spectra, respectively.It is shown that the St
配合料导热性能是影响玻璃生产能耗的决定性因素,通过配合料微观结构设计控制研究,提高配合料热传递能力,有助于促进料层温度的整体均匀性,提高配合料熔化速率(见图1).以玻璃配合料主要成分硅砂为例,通过研磨处理改变配合料粒度构成,并对配合料导热性能进行测试,研究分析配合料粒度对导热性能的影响规律.实验采用Hot Disk热常数分析仪.实验结果表明:不同硅砂粒度配合料的导热系数、热扩散系数均成呈抛物线变化
采用熔融-淬冷法制备了铋离子掺杂无碱锌铝磷酸盐(ZAP)玻璃,采用红外光谱表征了它们的网络结构,并研究了它们的近红外荧光性质.结果表明:和碱金属铝磷酸盐(AAP)玻璃和碱土金属铝磷酸盐(AEAP)玻璃相比,铋离子掺杂ZAP玻璃表现出更高的近红外荧光发射强度和荧光寿命.当在470nm,690nm或808nm激发时,它们被的荧光强度以下的顺序按照逐渐降低:ZnO>CaO>SrO>BaO>Li2O >N