
来源 :第一届全国暨第二届国际超声分子影像学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hsxgodkiller
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  Objective To develop a direct, non-invasive method for the easy identification and localization of the recurrent laryngeal nerve and the tubercle of Zuckerkandl.Methods At first, a study group of 14 persons without any prevailing medical conditions were chosen.Then ultrasound imaging is performed on both side of the neck in each individual.Both the left and right recurrent laryngeal nerve is identified and its distance is calculated from the skin,wternocleidomastoid muscle, mid line of the trachea and the carotid artery.Diameter of the nerve is also calculated.The tubercle of Zuckerkandl is searched for in the posterolateral aspect of the thyroid lobe.Results Distance of left RLN from skin is (14.68±1.62)mm, from sternocleidomastoid muscle is (8.37±0.36)mm, from carotid artery is (12.25±0.54)mm, from mid point of the trachea is (7.93±0.2)mm.Diameter of the left RLN is (1.13±0.14)mm.Distance of right RLN from skin is (14.43±1.89)mm,from sternocleidomastoid muscle is (8.76±0.54)mm, from carotid artery is (12.72±0.38)mm, from mid point of the trachea is (8.05±0.21)mm.Diameter of the right RLN is 0.86±0.1.Another interesting finding is the identification and location of the tubercle of Zuckerkandl in the study group persons.Conclusion This study represents an initial attempt to identifiy and localize the recurrent laryngeal nerve on both right and left side of the neck by means of high frequency ultrasound imaging.This direct and noninvasive method for the localization of the nerve would be very beneficial in surgical practice.This can be used to easily visualize the nerve before performing surgical operations, intraoperatively or as follow up after surgeries to look for anomalies.The tubercle of Zuckerkandl is appropriately identified and is of great value in surgical practices, because previously it was also at a big risk of getting damaged during performing operations.
  目的 制备一种同时可以超声造影和近红外荧光成像的对淋巴结靶向的造影剂,并通过动物实验评估其对于前哨淋巴结定位以及定性的能力.方法 通过声振空化法制备造影剂,对其
威尼斯大学进行满族和锡伯族的语言、历史、文学及文化的研究已经有十年的历史了。这一学术活动可包括两个方面: 教学与科研。 The University of Venice has been studying
营造一个有圣诞气氛的餐厅很简单,如果你的餐桌不够漂亮,铺上一块漂亮的桌布就可以了;如果你嫌餐椅缺少变化,一些漂亮有节日气氛的坐垫就能改变一切;不过餐桌上最出效果的还是成套的、精美的餐具,它能让你的圣诞大餐更加精致漂亮;蜡烛、小圣诞装饰品(如仙女球、节日包装礼盒、松枝和松果、吊饰等)也是提升圣诞气氛必不可少的东西,关键是要把它们放到合适的位置。  无论采用何种风格的布置,对餐厅的处理都要强调刺激用餐