Cardiovascular Risk Factors at Beginning of the Third Millennium-A Global Overview

来源 :BITs 2rd Annual World Cancer Congress of Cardiology-2010(201 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wy2720204445
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  The environment and the human genetic structure are the main determinants of the Mans health.His genome has been defined over millions of years of biologic evolution and this extraordinary capacity of adaptation to the changes of the surrounding environment has been the key to survival and reproduction, a proof is the tremendous increase of the Worlds population witnessed in the last 10.000 years.The most effective features of biologic selection have been primarily of nutritional and infectious origin.
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The development of severe metabolic acidosis in seriously ill patients is often accompanied by cardiovascular dysfunction and an increase in morbidity and mortality.The detrimental effects of metaboli
Until 15 years ago, the mitochondrion was considered as the energy source for all the cell physiology and this was the only function attributed to this central organelle.During the mid 90s of the last
Rationale and hypothesis: Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is the leading cause of end stage renal disease (ESRD) needing dialysis and/or kidney transplantation worldwide.DKD is characterized by decreasi
Increased glucose concentration in diabetes mellitus causes nonenzymatic glycation of several proteins, leading to changes in their structural and functional properties.Glucose-induced glycation promo
In the 1950ties the team of Birger Blomb(a)ck purified fibrinogen and then characterized the two fibrinopeptides A (FPA) and B (FPB) released from the N-terminal part of fibrinogen by thrombin cleavag
Thrombosis is generally caused by injury to the vessel wall through trauma or infection with consequent activation of the blood coagulation cascade.Abnormal clotting within a blood vessel is associate
The American College of Cardiology (ACC) and American Heart Association (AHA) updated their joint guidelines on perioperative cardiovascular evaluation and care for noncardiac surgery in 2007 and Euro