Recycling and Reutilization of Nonmetallic Materials from Waste Printed Circuit Board

来源 :SAMPE中国2013先进复合材料制品、原材料、工装及工程应用展览会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pkbaby
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  The recycling of waste printed circuit board (WPCB) is valuable as the purity of precious metals in WPCB is more than 10 times higher than that of rich-content minerals.However,a large number of nonmetallic materials (NMs) are generated when recycling metals contained in WPCB.The NMs mainly consisted of glass fibers and resin powder.The reinforcing characteristics of glass fibers in the NMs provided the possibility of treating the NMs with filling methods.In this paper,the NMs were used to prepare 3 kinds of nonmetal products successfully,including phenolic molding compounds (PMC),wood plastic composites (WPC),and nonmetallic plate (NMP).Three different preparing processes of nonmetal products were well illustrated.Effects of filling content and particle size of the NMs on the properties of nonmetal products were also studied.The results show that the filling of NMs did not reduce the properties of composites,and the nonmetals products qualified relative standards.In addition,leaching tests were used to characterize leaching behavior of nonmetal products.The leaching results show that heavy metal concentrations such as Cu and Pb in the leachates were far below the standard limits.It indicates that filling method was safe and environment-friendly for treating the NMs as the hazardous materials could be well solidified in the resin matrix.As a result,this paper provided some choices for treating the NMs with filing methods,achieving the comprehensive utilization of the NMs.
国内A钢厂通过100t电炉→100tLF精炼炉→小方坯连铸(140mm×140mm)→高线轧制的工艺流程成功开发出易切削钢AISI 1215.通过合理控制电炉终点成分、优化精炼脱氧工艺、制定连铸及轧制工艺要点等措施,生产出的易切削钢铸坯表面质量优良,盘条组织及夹杂物形态良好,切削性能优异,加工成零件后表面光洁度高.
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虽然纤维增强塑料复合材料在很多领域,如,飞行器工业,汽车工业,造船工业和房屋建造等方面得到了广泛的应用,但是由于其破坏行为的复杂性,使其应用和设计受到了限制.特别是 为了进行不同部件间的装配,复合材料需要转孔,因此有孔的复合材料的性能成为研究的一个热点. 本研究介绍了针刺玻璃纤维布复合材料的缺口力学性能.该工艺不仅降低了层间纤维的距离同时也引入了垂直于厚度方向的刺入纤维.本文使用直径为10mm的钻
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