Noteworthy freshwater fungi from Thailand, with their phylogenetic placement

来源 :Asian Mycological Congress 2013 and The 13th International M | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ye77hao
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  During investigations of freshwater fungi in Thailand, six interesting species were encountered on submersed wood, including two new and one combined sexual ascomycete species, one new asexual coelomycetous ascomycete genus, and one new and one combined asexual coelomycetous ascomycete species.Helicascus aquaticus sp.nov.(Morosphaeriaceae) is uniquely characterized by immersed pseudostromata with 2 locules and a flattened base, ampulliform locules with ostioles converging at the centre, a thin peridium, numerous pseudoparaphyses embedded in a gelatinous matrix, bitunicate,clavate asci with a long, narrow and coiled endoascus within the ectoascus, and brown, ellipsoid, 1-3septate, asymmetrical ascospores surrounded by deliquescing sheath.
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一、蒋介石“当选”总统了    1948年3月29日,蒋介石一手操纵的行宪国民大会第一次会议在南京开幕。  蒋介石参加开幕典礼,并致词说:“我认为今天国家和人民,戡乱与行宪应该同等重视。我们不因戡乱而延缓宪政的实施;反之,我们正因为要保障宪政的成功,不能不悉力戡乱,以铲除这个建国的障碍与民主的敌人。”  当时,国共内战打得烽火连天,战况已明显对国民党不利,蒋介石仍积极主张筹开“国大”,实行所谓的“
我只想用两个字来描述观看《让子弹飞》的感受,那就是“牛”、“爽”。张麻子面对坑蒙拐骗无恶不作的南国一霸黄四郎,以及走闯江湖贪财贪色的通天大骗汤师爷,他硬是“站着”把钱给赚了,实在是“牛”;张麻子打倒了黄四郎,赚到钱财分文不取全部分给了穷人,甚至最后连兄弟、女人也叫他们随意散了,自己则骑着一匹白马在山谷里阳光下踽踽独行,的确是“爽”,而且还有些悲凉,这正是天下英雄的范儿。  过去在大多数电影观众眼里
  The white rot basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus is the third largest commercially cultivated edible mushroom in the world.During the growth, P.ostreatus is
我愿证明,凡是行为善良与高尚的人,定能因之而担当患难。——贝多芬1995年,法国巴黎装饰艺术学院与中央工艺美术学院结为友好院校,双方签订了互派教师 I will prove that fo