Correlation between the contrast-enhanced image features and the pathological tumor grade with pancr

来源 :中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:s362613932
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  Objective To investigate the correlation between the contrast-enhanced image features of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors(PNETs)and the pathological tumor grades according to the recent WHO classification.Materials and methods We queried the endocrinology departments databases of our hospital to identify all pathologically proven PNETs cases during a period from 2012 to 2015.All patients underwent preoperative dynamic-enhanced CT or MRI examinations to evaluate pancreatic tumors.The remaining 24 patients(10 men and 14 women; median age,59 years; range,27–70 years)were included in the present study.Eight patients had neuroendocrine tumor grade-1(NET-G1).Thirteen patients with NET-G2,two patients with NET-G3 and one patient with neuroendocrine cancer grade-3(NEC-G3).The image features were evaluated by a radiologist(with 8 years of experience in radiology).The tumor conspicuity during each phase was visually rated as either hyperattenuation or non-hyperattenuation comparing with the pancreas parenchyma.We divided all patients into two groups.Group A included the patients with NET-G1,and group B included the patients with NET-G2,NET-G3 and NEC-G3.Chi-square test was used to compare the tumor conspicuity during each phase between two groups.Results At artery phase,five lesions with group A showed hyperattenuation comparing with the pancreas parenchyma,three lesions with group A showed non-hyperattenuation; Fifteen lesions with group B showed non-hyperattenuation,and one lesion showed hyperattenuation.At parenchymal phase,six lesions with group A showed hyperattenuation comparing with the pancreas parenchyma,two lesions with group A showed non-hyperattenuation; Fifteen lesions with group B showed non-hyperattenuation,and one lesion showed hyperattenuation.At delay phase,two lesions with group A showed hyperattenuation comparing with the pancreas parenchyma,six lesions with group A showed non-hyperattenuation; Thirteen lesions with group B showed non-hyperattenuation,and three lesions showed hyperattenuation.The difference of tumor conspicuity between two groups at artery phase and parenchymal phase was significant(p<0.01)by chisquare test.Conclusion In contrast-enhanced image examinations of the patients with PNETs,the tumor conspicuity at artery and parenchymal phases comparing with the pancreas parenchyma can predict the pathological tumor grades of WHO.
目的 肝癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)是高发病率高死亡率的恶性肿瘤,病死率、发病率分别居中国恶性肿瘤的第2位、第4位,近年来随着新生儿广泛进行乙肝疫苗接种、丙肝有效的抗病毒治疗以及人们饮食习惯改变,病毒性肝炎呈下降趋势,但非酒精性脂肪性肝病(nonalcoholicfatty liver disease,NAFLD)患病率逐年升高,肝癌发病率仍呈上升趋势,表明NAF
目的 探讨个性化疼痛护理对乳腺纤维腺瘤术后患者的影响.方法 选取2018 年5 月-2018 年11 月期间于我科进行乳腺纤维腺瘤手术的患者60 例为研究对象,将其按数字随机法分为两组,各30 例.观察组:年龄在31-62 岁,平均年龄(43.2±2.3)岁;女性与男性患者分别29 例、1 例.
目的 研究探讨视频式健康教育对缓解老年肿瘤患者电子结肠镜检查心理焦虑的相关临床效果.方法 从2018.8 月~2019.1 月我院收治的老年肿瘤患者当中根据盲选的方法从中选择100 例进行研究,所选取的患者都采用电子结肠镜进行检查,根据护理的方法和平均分组的原则将其分为对照组和观察组.
目的 目的 癌症,为由控制细胞生长增殖机制失常而引起的疾病,癌症的发病率也在逐年增长。已成为我国第二大致死疾病。由于肿瘤特别是恶性肿瘤治愈率低,治疗费用昂贵,不仅严重威胁着患者的健康和生命,而且在经济上拖累整个家庭。
目的 通过对鼻咽癌放疗患者行赋能教育,研究赋能教育模式在鼻咽癌放疗患者功能锻炼中的应用效果,以期提高患者功能锻炼的依从性,进而降低放疗引起的并发症张口困难的发生率,提高患者的生活质量。
目的 介绍1 例胃晚期伴全身转移患者的安宁护理经验。通过身心社灵四位一体全方位护理模式,成立安宁护理团队,辅以心理干预,中医外治等,提高患者生活质量,缓解心理压力,改善舒适感,使其安详的走完人生最后一段。
目的 目的:创建“CINV 规范化病房”模式,通过对肺癌化疗患者进行全程规范化管理,降低肺癌化疗患者CINV 发生率,提高肺癌化疗患者的生活质量。方法方法:构建“CINV 规范化病房”模式,对我科2017 年3 月-11 月540 名肺癌化疗(含铂类)患者实施CINV 规范化管理模式,化疗前,责任护士进行CINV 风险评估、筛选出CINV 高危患者,根据风险评估结果医护进行沟通,结合患者特点及医生
目的 鼻咽癌是中国南方常见的恶性肿瘤,放疗是主要的治疗手段,鼻咽部坏死感染是鼻咽癌放疗后严重的后遗症,严重影响患者的的生存质量,甚至威胁患者生命,本文旨在探讨鼻咽癌放疗后鼻咽部坏死行鼻咽镜下冲洗的护理,以提高鼻咽癌放疗后鼻咽部坏死的疗效及护理质量。
目的 初步探讨康复运动对食管贲门癌手术后酸反流相关症状的影响.To investigate the theeffective rehabilitation exercise of gastro-esophageal reflux in patients withesophageal and cardia cancer.