Contrast effect on visual spatial summation in different cell categories in cat primary visual corte

来源 :第三届全国神经动力学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangleisxh1234
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  Multiple cell classes have been found in the primary visual cortex, but the relationship between cell types and spatial summation has seldom been studied.Parvalbumin-expressing inhibitory interneurons can be distinguished from pyramidal neurons based on their briefer action potential durations.In this study,we classified V1 cells into fast-spiking units (FSUs) and regular-spiking units (RSUs) and then examined spatial summation at high and low contrast.Our results revealed that the excitatory classical receptive field and the suppressive non-classical receptive field expanded at low contrast for both FSUs and RSUs, but the expansion was more marked for the RSUs than for the FSUs.For most V1 neurons, surround suppression varied as the contrast changed from high to low.However, FSUs exhibited no significant difference in the strength of suppression between high and low contrast, although the overall suppression decreased significantly at low contrast for the RSUs.Our results suggest that the modulation of spatial summation by stimulus contrast differs across populations of neurons in the cat primary visual cortex.
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