Deep VLA Observations of M31* and M32*:Whisper of The Hidden Monster

来源 :2015年射电天文前沿与技术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq237599512
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  Most super-massive black holes(SMBHs)in the local universe appear radiativelyquiescent.The Local Group galaxies M31 and M32 host two of the least luminous SMBHsknown,which are named M31* and M32*,respectively.The physical properties of M31* andM32* remain poorly understood,but otherwise are important for completing our understand ofthe cosmic evolution of SMBHs.Here we report radio studies of M31* and M32*,based on ourdeep,multi-band EVLA observations carried out in 2011 and 2012.For M31*,we determine itssimultaneous spectral index over the rang of 5 to 20 GHz and find a significant long-termvariability,which might be related to its X-ray variability over the past decade.We also revealfor the first time a probable radio counterpart of M32*.
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