Detecting Floquet quasienergy spectrum by resonance fluorescence

来源 :中国物理学会2016年秋季会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccc_tw
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  Recently,the Floquet states of matter of quantum systems under periodic driving has attracted much attention,which opens a new door to artificially synthesize exotic quantum states of matter,especially the ones absent in static systems,by periodic driving.However,it is still an open question that how to detect these novel Floquet states of matter in such time-dependent systems.Based on Floquet theorem and going beyond the rotating-wave approximation,we establish the microscopic description to the resonance fluorescence of a twolevel system under ultra-strong laser driving.
The introduction of spin polarization of electrons in materials consisting of d0 light elements like carbon and silicon is strongly desirable for spintronics applications.It have been widely accepted
双层石墨烯在堆叠的过程中由于应力等原因可以形成AB 和BA 两种堆方式,并在AB 和BA 两种畴之间形成畴壁。理论预言,双层石墨烯的畴壁处存在由子晶格对称性保护的一维导电通道,且在该导电通道中来自能带不同能谷的电子会朝着相反的方向运动。
Qubits based on semiconductor quantum dots have made huge progress in the recent years.Single spinqubits with ultra long coherence time,single charge qubits wth ultrafast operational speed,and single
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We propose and experimentally demonstrate an optimized setup to implement quantum controlled-NOT operation using polarization and orbital angular momentum qubits.This device is more adaptive to inputs
拓扑外尔半金属具有奇异的电子结构,其体态是在三维动量空间中线性色散的外尔费米子,体态费米面是三维动量空间中的不连续的点。因此,外尔半金属具有“三维graphene”特征性的电子结构。外尔费米子具有手征的自旋结构,并且只有Dirac 费米子自由度的一半,只能成对的出现或者湮灭。
采用金属有机盐沉积法(MOD)在YBCO 薄膜中引入一定量的纳米颗粒作为钉扎中心,可以有效地提高其在磁场下的钉扎性能。然而单一掺杂在高掺杂量下会导致YBCO 晶格畸变度过大,进而降低薄膜的织构和超导性能。这里我们采用与YBCO 晶格错配分别为正和负的两种纳米颗粒Ba2YNbO6(BYNO)和LaAlO3(LAO)对YBCO 薄膜进行共掺杂,通过对比单一BYNO 和LAO掺杂的复合薄膜发现,正负错配
Because of inevitable coupling with the environment,nearly all practical quantum systems are opensystems,where the evolution is not necessarily unitary.We proposed an efficient quantum algorithm forsi