The influence of LepR tyrosine site mutations on mouse ovary development and related gene expression

来源 :中华医学会第九次全国生殖医学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanqin2394
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  Leptin exerts many biological functions,such as in metabolism and reproduction,through binding to and activating the leptin receptor,LepRb,which is expressed in many regions of the brain.To better understand the roles of LepR in reproduction and involved downstream signaling pathways,Y123F mice,which expressed mutant leptin receptors with phenylalanine (F) substituted for three tyrosines (Y) (Tyr985,Tyr1077 and Tyr1 138),were generated.OBJECTIVE To observe reproductive phenotypes caused by LepR gene site mutation by comparing Y123F (HOM) and wild type (VVT) mouse ovaries,to explore involved gene expression profiling,and to evaluate whether homozygous gene mutation (LepR-/-) mouse can be used as a new polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) animal model.Materials and Methods Female Y123F HOM and WT mice;Obesity phenotypic evaluation,estrous cycle,blood estrogen level,LepR expression,cDNA Microarrays and Real-time quantitative PCR analysis on mRNA levels.RESULT(S) The body weight and abdominal fat deposits of Y123F homozygous mice (HOM) were higher than those of wild-type mice (WT).HOM ovaries were atrophic and the follicles developed abnormally;however,the HOM ovaries did not exhibit polycystic phenotypes.Moreover,Y123F HOM adults had no estrous cycle and the blood estrogen concentration remained stable at a low level below detection limit of 5 pg/ml.LepR expression in HOM ovaries was higher than in WT ovaries.Using cDNA Microarrays,the mRNA expressions of 41 genes were increased,and 100 were decreased in HOM vs.WT ovaries,and many signaling pathways were evaluated to be involved significantly.The expressions of 19 genes were validated by real-time quantitative PCR,most of which were consistent with the microarray results.CONCLUSION(S) Y123F HOM mice were suggested as a new animal model of PCOS for research that mainly emphasizes metabolic disorders and anovulation,but not the polycystic phenotype.Meanwhile,using the model,we found that JAK-STAT and hormone biosynthesis pathways were involved in the follicular development and ovulation disorders caused by LepR deficiency in ovaries,although we could not exclude indirect actions from the brain.
目的 血清淀粉酶A (SAA)是一种非特异性急性时相反应蛋白,肿瘤患者血清中浓度可较健康人群明显增高.本次研究旨在探索接受胸部放疗的非小细胞肺癌患者SAA的浓度与发生放射性肺炎的危险程度的关系,以及与总生存时间的相关性.方法 入组患者均为不可手术切除的或者局部晚期的非小细胞肺癌,并接受单纯胸部放疗或者同步放化疗.放疗开始前(基线),放疗2周,4周及放疗完成后3个月内采血,并采用ELISA法检测SA
目的 分析器官和病灶联合定义寡转移Ⅳ期非小细胞肺癌原发肿瘤三维放疗剂量及其相关因素对生存的影响.方法 定义单器官和2个器官中每器官1个转移病灶为寡转移,共115例,分析剂量及相关因素与总生存的关系,Kaplan-Meier法计算生存并Logrank检验,Cox回归模型行多因素分析.
目的 探讨Ⅲ-Ⅳ期非小细胞癌(Non-small cell lung cancer NSCLC)同期放化疗后寡转移失败规律,思考局部放射治疗的意义.方法 分析2007年1月至2014年1月初治Ⅲ-Ⅳ期NSCLC同期放化疗后寡转移等失败规律,卡方检验Ⅳ期NSCLC不同剂量放疗后原发肿瘤复发率差异.结果 299例NSCLC中Ⅲ期治疗失败88例,原发肿瘤复发±远处转移20例(22.7%)、寡转移27例(
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目的 探讨激活处理对人未受精卵子和早期胚胎三磷酸腺苷(ATP)含量影响.方法 收集辅助生殖治疗周期中体外受精(IVF)以及单精子卵母细胞浆内注射(ICSI)时的未受精卵子(包括GV期、MⅠ期、M Ⅱ期卵母细胞),以及早期胚胎(2-cell、4-cell胚胎),采用生物化学发光法测定在未处理和进行激活处理后的ATP含量.
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目的 探讨冷冻胚胎移植周期中三种内膜准备方案对助孕结局的影响.方法 回顾性分析2012年1月-2013年12月在沈阳东方医疗集团菁华医院接受冷冻胚胎移植助孕的3500个周期,按照不同内膜准备方案,将其分别纳入自然周期组(A=1529,自然周期内膜准备方案);激素替代周期组(B=1919,采用雌孕激素内膜准备方案);诱导排卵周期组(C=52,采用来曲唑或CC诱导周期内膜准备方案),比较各组之间的临床