Sensitivity of Fusarium verticillioides Isolates from Rice to Fungicide JS399-19

来源 :中国植物病理学会化学防治专业委员会第八届中国植物病害化学防治学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeanstrouse
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  JS399-19, 2-cyano-3-amino-3-phenylancryic acetate, is a novel cyanoacrylate fungicide discovered and patented by the Jiangsu Branch of the National Pesticide Research & Development South Center of China.This paper presented the baseline-sensitivity of Fusarium verticillioides to the fungicide JS399-19 and evaluated the impact of JS399-19 on the germination of rice seeds and its efficacy in controlling rice bakanae disease by seed treatment.The EC50 values for JS399-19 inhibiting mycelial growth of wild-type F.verticillioides isolates ranged from 0.162 to 0.559 μg/ml (a 3.5-fold difference between the lowest and highest value), and the average (± SE) EC50 value was 0.316 ± 0.072 μg/ml.The sensitivity curve was unimodal over the sensitive range and the sensitivity data could be used as a baseline for monitoring any future changes in sensitivity to JS399-19 by F.verticillioides populations.Germination of healthy seeds was greater than 77% for all the selected cuhivars, and germination was unaffected by treatment with JS399-19.Treatment of infected seeds (harvested from diseased plants) with all concentrations of JS399-19 in this study significantly decreased the abnormal elongation and damping-off of seedlings in plastic bottles in the greenhouse, indicating that JS399-19 exhibited excellent efficacy in controlling rice bakanae disease, and was safe to rice seeds and could be used as a disinfectant of rice seeds infected by F.verticillioides.The results also suggested that the F.verticillioides isolates exhibited little sensitivity shift to this fungicide after once seed treatment.If properly applied, JS399-19 might be used as a major fungicide or a good companion fungicide for the control of rice bakanae disease in China.
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为解决黄淮海平原夏玉米播种期土壤干旱问题,于2011年6 —8月进行了2期池栽试验,研究了土壤水分及农艺措施对夏玉米出苗及幼苗生长效应。结果表明,播种后镇压结合秸秆覆盖能够提高土壤含水量、平衡土壤温度,从而提高夏玉米出苗率,增强幼苗素质,提高苗期田间株高整齐度,有利于培育齐苗壮苗,在土壤水分不太充足时效果更为明显。因此,应对夏玉米播种前有轻度旱情的地块,可以利用镇压及麦秸覆盖等农艺技术的提高土壤抗
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