
来源 :第十四届全国工程电介质学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenxiaoyan0411
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This paper defines the three discharge types of weak discharge interstitial arc discharge and continuous arc discharge on surface of composite insulator. discharge type of composite insulator in different surface states and harmonic and phase angle features of the corresponding surface leakage current have been studied. The influence of hydrophobicity and polltion on surface discharge types of composite insulator are also reported. Results are as following: (1)When considering continuous surface discharge time of composite insulator, surface discharge types and features of insulator can be obtained by analyzing harmonic features and phase angle features of leakage current. (2)When surface hydrophobicity of ccmposite insulator is worse, weak discharge proportion shall reduce slightly, interstitial arc discharged shall transform to continuous arc discharge, and continuous arc discharge proportion shall increase. (3)When surface pollution of composite insulator increases, weak discharge shall transform to interstitial arc discharge and continuous arc discharge, and proportion of interstitial arc discharge and continuous arc discharge shall increase.
今年5月,我国发行《乐山大佛》小型张,使用了“影雕套印”的印刷方法。“雕刻版”邮票有多种印刷版别, 《乐山大佛》小型张使用的只是其中的一种。下面本文着重谈谈“雕刻版
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