Sustainable control of grasshopper and locust (Orthoptera) by infection with Paranosema locustae (Mi

来源 :第三届植保机械与施药技术国际学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong581
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  Paranosema locustae Canning, a microsporidian parasite, can infect per os most locust and grasshopper species and has been developed as a biological control agent.The parasites spores are transmitted to nymphs and adults through cannibalism of infected dead insects, faecal contamination and via transovarial transfer from infected females to their offspring.Infection of locusts by P.locustae results in lethality, impaired development, mobility and reproductive capacity.More importantly, infection by P.locustae stops aggregation of solitarious migratory locusts and induces gregarious locusts to transform back to the solitarious phase, thus controlling swarm outbreaks even before it causes direct mortality.The research found that the long-term effects of P.locustae by studying infection levels over a 10-year period following application, even in high Altitude and ultraviolet ray area.The application of P.Locustae was helpful for improving the effects of natural enemies of grasshopper and locust.In the experimental area, grasshopper has been kept below economic thresholds for more ten years after Paranosemas application.Persistence of P.locustae in grasshopper populations and the effects of natural enemies may be important in keeping densities below economic thresholds for a number of years after application.Paranosema locustae, the earliest commercially available microbial agent for control of rangeland grasshoppers and locusts has been proven to be a useful and sustainable component of grasshopper and locust management in China.
目前对聚乙烯制品的降解菌的研究主要集中在真菌和细菌中,而放线菌作为聚乙烯降解菌株还鲜有报道。本研究利用实验室从土壤中分离筛选的一株放线菌作为出发菌株进行实验研究。以筛选得到的降解菌--白浅灰链霉菌(Streptomyces albogriseolus)作为出发菌株,考察紫外线、微波、吖啶橙、盐酸羟胺、氯化锂以及吖啶橙-紫外复合诱变的诱变效果。其中当紫外线的波长为254nm,照射的距离为20cm,照