Traveling Wave Phenomena in Burgers-KdV Type Equations

来源 :International Conference Nonlinear Waves-Theory and Applicat | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cultra
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  In this talk, we survey some recent advances in the study of travelling wave solutions to the BurgersKortewegde Vries type equation.Some comments are given on the existing results.A class of travelling solitary wave solutions in terms of elliptic functions with arbitrary velocity is obtained by means of the first-integral method as well as the method of compatible vector fields.
1988年,巩俐主演的电影《红高粱》,荣获第38届柏林电影节最佳影片“金熊奖”。巩俐,这位中央戏剧学院表演系的大三学生,一夜之间享誉海内外。  终于能挣钱了!终于有能力回报父母和家人了!这些年来,父亲和母亲为抚养巩俐兄妹耗尽了心血。那些温暖的细节镌刻在巩俐的心灵深处。拿到为数不多的片酬后,巩俐为父亲买了一把高级电动剃须刀,给母亲买了一条纯羊毛围巾,送给姐姐的是一件羽绒服,为三个哥哥买的是当时非常稀
  In this talk I will discus the relationship between vortex dynamics and properties of polynomials with roots at the vortex positions.Classical polynomials s
作为一名影音爱好者,心中一直渴望着高清时代的全面来临。因此,当全球第一台商品化的HD DVD播放机——东芝HD-A1刚在市场上露面时,我便毫不迟疑地从美国订购了一台回来。虽然
目的 分析老年妇科肿瘤患者合并急性肺栓塞(APTE)的临床特点、长期预后和危险因素.方法 回顾性队列研究.连续选择自2012年1月至2018年1月在六盘水市人民医院等诊治的61例妇科
  Any nonlinear equation of the form y" =∑Nn=(o)αn(z)yn has a (generally branched)solution with leading order behaviour proportional to (z-z0)-2/(N-1) about
目的 探讨趋化素及可溶性ST2(sST2)与非瓣膜性阵发性心房颤动(PAF)患者射频消融术后复发的关系.方法 纳入100例CARTO指导的行射频消融术的PAF患者采用酶联免疫吸附法测定血清
  In this talk, we study time to event type of responses with sparse functional predictors.Our semi-parametric methodology utilizes spline bases function such
  We present a new and complete analysis of the n-bounce resonance and chaotic scat tering in solitary wave collisions.In these phenomena, the speed at which