A comparison of diffracting and non-diffracting coherence functions based on full-field spatial cohe

来源 :2014年光子与光学工程国际会议暨西部光子学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanjzh
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  Diffraction is one of the universal phenomena.It affects all classical wave fields without exception.In statistical optics,the coherence function of optical fields found to be propagated according to wave equations.In the past decades,the propagation properties of optical coherence function have received a lot of attentions.Especially the diffraction of partially coherent light described by the van Cittert-Zernike theorem is undoubtedly one of the most important theories of modern optics.Similar to the well-known optical diffraction,the coherence function illuminated by a finite sized incoherent source also causes a coherence energy spreading: the spot size of the coherence pattern is extended during its propagation resulting in a limited distance with high coherence.In this paper,we proposed a novel optical geometry for direct visualization of spatial coherence function.The full-field distribution of the coherence function from an incoherent circular aperture source is experimentally investigated.Meanwhile,on the analogy of the propagation-invariant wave,the coherence function should also have diffraction-free solutions,where the coherence function referred to as a non-diffracting wave with its unique property of unchanged transverse shape during the propagation.The experiments of nondiffracting coherence function from an incoherent circular slit source have also been done.The experimental results show that the coherence function generated by an incoherent circular aperture source is in the form of Fresnel diffraction integral which diffracting during the propagation and the coherence function generated by an incoherent circular slit source is unaltered by propagating in free space.
利用化学预处理和湿法硝化的方法,通过开展累积和批次静态吸附实验研究了模式微生物-酵母菌(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)对高中放废液中主要锕系元素239Pu的减量化行为,实验结果表明:pH=5有利于酵母菌对239Pu的吸附;经脱蛋白和脱乙酰化学预处理后,酵母菌对239Pu的吸附能力明显下降;湿法硝化结果表明75%的239Pu赋存在细胞表面,约25%的239Pu进入到细胞内;经过酵
本文研究了3 种热处理状态U-5.7wt%Nb(后文称U-5.7Nb)合金样品的微观组织结构,并在相同条件下对比研究了不同样品氢化行为的差异性.结果表明U-5.7Nb 合金自身组织结构对氢腐蚀过程中氢化物的生长扩张起到了决定性的作用,这促进了对铀铌合金氢腐蚀影响因素的科学认识,并且为今后铀铌合金氢腐蚀研究奠定了基础.
随着核能发电的快速发展,保证核燃料在贮存过程中的安全性对环境问题以及公众安全方面具有重要的意义。待装堆的核燃料和乏燃料在贮存过程中燃料表面将与H2O 等小分子相互接触并相互作用,H2O 分子吸附在UO2 表面将会氧化表面(将UO2 氧化成U3O8)并增强水分子的辐解产生可燃性气体 H2,从而对贮存中的乏燃料带来安全隐患。认识 H2O 分子与核燃料表面的相互作用将会对核燃料贮存过程中的安全管理提供帮
采用镓自助熔剂方法制备了U(Ga0.95Mn0.05)3 单晶.经X 射线衍射分析,Mn 元素在UGa3 中成功掺杂且比UGa3 的晶格常数变小.U(Ga0.95Mn0.05)3 的ZFC 和FC 曲线低温42 K附近出现分离.随着频率的增加,交流磁化率实部和虚部的峰位向高温移动.实部峰的幅值减小但虚部的幅值却增加.U(Ga0.95Mn0.05)3 呈现出典型的自旋玻璃行为特征.电阻和比热结果表明
:本文采用第一性原理投影缀加波(PAW)方法并结合密度泛函线性微扰理论(DFPT)以及准谐模型,研究了锕系金属Cmcm 铀在高压下的电子结构,动力学性质和热力学性质。计算的电子态密度表明,随着压力的增加,Cmcm 铀的5f 电子的局域性逐渐减弱。通过得到的声子色散曲线可以看出,Cmcm 铀的声子谱直到100 GPa 压强下,没有虚频出现,说明该金属至少在100 GPa 压强下是动力学稳定的,这符合
镎(237Np)是乏燃料后处理过程中十分关注的一种锕系元素,可用于生产238Pu 等其它重要錒系元素或用于高能中子探测器的研制。但237Np 具有半衰期长、容易渗透到地下水以及放射性强度大等危害,且因其5f 电子轨道的特殊性质,在酸性溶液中可能存在多种氧化态(如+3~+7)间的转化,使后处理过程中对其流向的精确控制十分困难。
Silicon photodiodes are the most widely used for accurate radiometric measurements for the spectral range from 400 nm to 1100 nm.Measurements of the absolute spectral responsivity of silicon photodiod