Evolution of binaries with compact objects in globular clusters

来源 :国际天文学联合会第312次专题会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sihuajian
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  Dynamical interactions that take place between objects in dense stellar systems lead to frequent formation of exotic stellar objects,unusual binaries,and systems of higher multiplicity.They are most important for the formation of binaries with neutron stars and black holes,and especially for mass-transferring system – low mass X-ray binaries.Those are not only formed 100 times more efficiently than in the field,but also have a puzzling dependence on metallicity.The neutron stars and black holes have different favored paths to become luminous in X-ray,and triples formation is especially important for black holes.I will also discuss how stellar evolution can affect ostensibly purely dynamical formation,producing observed metallicity dependence for low-mass X-ray binaries.
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目的和意义 进一步提高怀柔数据的可用性 进一步提高怀柔数据的可管理性 进一步规范数据信息.内容 怀柔部分太阳光学观测数据介绍 dat 格式数据转换成fit 格式数据 Stokes-V 刻度成纵向磁场 利用怀柔标准磁场数据处理程序,生成矢量磁场 磁场数据的简单分级 怀柔数据文件头的进一步标准化.
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