Numerical Treatment of Diffusion Equation of Fractional Order with Reflecting and Absorbing Boundary

来源 :第八届工业与应用数学国际大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oliversong
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  Fractional order differential equations arise naturally in the modeling of many complex physical processes in various engineering and science disciplines.
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We give an existence result of entropy and renormalized solutions for strongly nonlinear elliptic equations in the framework of Sobolev spaces with variable exponents of the type:-div(a(x,u,▽u)+φ(u))+
This poster is concerns the diffusive Leslie-Gower predator-prey system with ratio dependent Holling type III functional response subject to Neumann boundary conditions.
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In this work we will study the eigenvalues for a fourth order elliptic equation with p(x)-growth conditions Δ2p(x)u =λ|u|p(x)-2u,under Neumann boundary conditions,where p(x)is a continuous function de