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新中国成立以来,随着农业科研、教育和生产的蓬勃发展,农业文献数量与日俱增。农业文献普查结果表说:目前,我国农业文献总量达100万篇左右,而且每年还以4—5万篇的数量不断增长着。为适应这种形势的发展和要求,作为农业情报工作主要内容之一的农业情报检索体系应运而生,并在实践中不断发展和完善。 Since the founding of New China, with the vigorous development of agricultural research, education and production, the quantity of agricultural literature has been increasing day by day. The table of results of the census of agricultural literature said: At present, the total amount of agricultural literature in our country reaches about 1 million articles, and the number of articles in the country is increasing by 40,000 to 50,000 pieces per year. In order to adapt to the development and requirements of this situation, the agricultural information retrieval system, one of the main contents of agricultural intelligence work, came into being and developed and perfected in practice.
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