Preparation and Characterization of Water Treatment Membrane using Uniform Polymeric Particle

来源 :第七届国际分离科学与技术会议(Proceedings of the 7th International Conferen | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zeratel
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  The aim of the experiment is to eliminate the unnecessary microparticles in the liquid through the water membrane.The development of clean water production depends on membrane technology,although membrane fouling significantly restricts the performance of current membranes.The present study is based on experiments to eliminate the unnecessary microparticles in water through membranes.Membranes that deliver nanoscale size selectivity are desirable for applications ranging from water treatment to molecular separations [1].The particle removal of polymer water treatment membranes will be characterized in the size range of 0.1–0.5μm using monodisperse polystyrene microspheres.During the process of emulsion polymerization,colloidal stability is a factor that we have to consider.For dry or isolated products,the polymer dispersion must be isolated,or converted into solid form.This can be accomplished by simple heating of the dispersion until all water evaporates.More commonly,the dispersion is destabilized (sometimes called "broken") by addition of a multivalent cation.Alternatively,acidification will destabilize dispersion with a carboxylic acid surfactant.The experiment will test the transmission of water membrane by using the microparticles made from the process of emulsion polymerization [2].In the present study,the monodisperse polystyrene (PS) will be synthesized by emulsion polymerizing styrene monomers in an aqueous solution containing a surfactant of cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SLS) and an initiator of 2,2′-azobis(isobutyramidine) dihydrochlorid (AIBA) and potassium persulfate (KPS).SEM,DSC,FT-IR,and zeta-potential will be used to characterize the resulting latexes and latex copolymers.
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  In this study,porous hollow fiber membranes were prepared by dry process [1].Dry process consists of three steps; first extrusion,second annealing and final
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1.恶心呕吐:多由于鼻子呛进脏水造成。上岸后指压中脘、内关穴,并口服人丹7~10粒。为预防肠炎,可吃几瓣大蒜。 2.皮肤发痒出疹:王要是初学游泳者皮肤过敏所致。应立即上岸休
目的 通过小干扰RNA(siRNA)干扰技术体外沉默异戊二烯基半胱氨酸羧基甲基转移酶(Icmt)基因,探讨体外沉默Icmt对舌鳞状细胞癌(TSCC)细胞增殖和凋亡能力的影响.方法 针对人Icmt