Design and Stationkeeping of Lissajous Trajectories about the Earth-Moon Collinear Libration Points

来源 :2014中国制导、导航与控制学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shelley79
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Lissajous trajectories about the collinear libration points are relevant on the space environment and deep space exploration,but have complex kinetic characteristics in the nature,thus their design and stationkeeping have always been focused in the deep space navigation and control field.This paper explores orbit design and maintenance technology of the Lissajous trajectories about the collinear Earth-Moon libration points under the real dynamical conditions.First,based on the restricted three body problem,the mathematic model of Lissajous orbit design and control with the real dynamical model was analyzed.The continue-circling method was presented for the Lissajous orbit design and control.Then the Lissajous trajectories about Earth-Moon collinear libration point was designed under the nature environment,and the third-body gravitation and the solar radiation pressure perturbations and their level were studied,and their impact on the Lissajous orbit stability was analyzed.Finally,based on the perturbation impact and stability analysis and orbit tracking and control frequency,this paper framed a stationkeeping strategy for the Lissajous orbit about the Earth-Moon collinear libration points.This paper can provide a reference for the future Lissajous orbit mission.
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一劳永逸  一劳永逸,出自汉·班固《封燕然山铭》:“兹可谓一劳而久逸,暂费而永无宁者也”。  劳:工作、劳动;逸:安乐、休息。一劳永逸,意即辛苦一次,把事情办好,以后就可以不再费力了。  鲁迅《花边文学·再论重译》载:“‘一劳永逸’的话,有是有的,而‘一劳永逸’的事却极少”。  劳逸,包括过度劳累和过度安逸两个方面。  正常的劳动和体育锻炼,有助于气血流通,增强体质。  必要的休息,可以消除疲劳,