Sensory and Motor Control Mechanisms for Pain Propagation: Perspectives from Myofascial Trigger Poin

来源 :BIT`s 3rd Annual World Congress of NeuroTalk-2012(2012第三届国际神 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolch006
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  Myofascial trigger points serve as sources of strong peripheral nociceptive inputs sensitizing central nervous system and inducing motor control failures.Current evidence shows that nociceptive inputs from deep tissues, especially from active myofascial trigger points, induce spinal and supraspinal sensitization, resulting in an enlarged area of mechanical hyperalgesia.Pain induced from active myofascial trigger points reproduces overall pain pattern in fibromyalgia and headache patients, while inactivation of active trigger points attenuates central sensitization and pain sensitivity.In addition, the reciprocal interaction between trigger points in different body segments constitutes a network, mediating pain propagation to deep tissues at the same spinal segment (contralateral side) and extrasegmental levels.A myofascial trigger point represents a dysfunctional and hyperexcitable motor endplate, where an enormously increased release of acetylcholine promotes the formation of taut muscle bands, muscle spasm, and cramps.When a muscle harbors a trigger point, motor functions, such as: movement coordination, fine movement control, and muscle relaxation mechanisms are decreased due to reduced spinal reciprocal inhibition.Further, abnormal movement control strategies overload active muscle fibers close to myofascial trigger points, new trigger points are developed and pain propagates within the same muscle, in the agonists and antagonists.Further research on sensorymotor control mechanisms for pain propagation may provide important clues for the treatment of musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain conditions.
[摘 要]从简要介绍通讯网络信息系统中常见的安全威胁入手,具体探讨针对存在的安全漏洞应采取的通讯网络信息系统的安全防护技术,主要包括加强用户隐私安全意识、强化漏洞修补、重视信息加密、限制系统功能、测试入网设备、系统应急恢复等防护技术。以期为相关工作人员提供借鉴。  [关键词]通讯网络;信息系统;安全防护;技术研究  中图分类号:TD155 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-914X(2017)0
远离癌症,从素食开始    癌症分为三个阶段,一是启动阶段,二是促进阶段,三是发展阶段。什么叫做启动阶段?我们拿种庄稼来做比喻,启动阶段就是这个种子把它放到土壤里面。本来我们身体没有得癌症的种子,结果把致癌物像亚硝酸盐、黄曲毒素等等摄入人体里面,我们就已经具备了得癌症的条件,这叫主要条件。有了种子,保不保证这个种子一定会发芽?不保证。你只要不给它浇水、不给它灌溉,你把它撒在沙漠里面,它几千年都不会