Implementation of smoke-free schools in Thailand

来源 :第十一届亚太地区烟草或健康大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gsdgerfdgcvbrrgfdgd
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  The purpose of the report is to prevent the abuse of tobacco.A new focus on youth smoking by 7 measures as a tool for action in schools.The goal is to cover 100% in 2018 as a collaboration between the Ministry of Public Health(MOPH),the Ministry of Education and Action on Smoking and Health Foundation Thailand.
Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of smoking and risk factors related to smoking behavior among adolescents.
[目的]了解艺术院校在校大学生吸烟行为和烟草相关认知的状况,分析其影响因素。[方法]采用分层整群抽样的方法,于2012 年5 月对广州市某艺术院校1701 名在校大学生进行自填式问卷调查,描述烟草相关知识与态度,分析吸烟者与非吸烟者之间的差异以及大学生吸烟行为影响因素。
[研究目的]吸菸對健康、社會、經濟與環境影響甚鉅,是全球公共衛生重視的議題.台灣2014 年調查國中、高中生及18 歲以上成人吸菸率為5.0%;11.5%;16.4%.其中以國中女生吸菸率首度微幅上升,爲維護青少年的健康,青少年時期的菸害防治教育工作更顯重要.
Background: Smokeless tobacco use among children is a serious problem in India.Smokeless tobacco in the form of gutkha,khaini,mawa and misheri is more commonly used than smoked tobacco products.
Indonesia is one of the few countries that has not yet signed or ratified the FCTC,and its young people are paying the price.Considering these matters,Youth Movement for FCTC(YM for FCTC)declared thei
Background: Despite bans on advertisements,promotion and sponsorships in Indias tobacco control law,tobacco marketing is common in Mumbai.
Smoking may serve as gateway drug to other substance abuse such as alcohol,heroin,marijuana and methamphetamine.Furthermore,of all the risk factors of ill health,smoking is responsible for the second
Background: Tobacco is a significant public health risk faced by youth in rural India.In rural Maharashtra,up to 45.4% of youth use tobacco.Tobacco use is commonly seen on school grounds across the st
Background: Tobacco use continues to be one of the leading causes of preventable death and disease in China.Smoking,as a health-risk behaviour,is frequently established during childhood and adolescenc
Background and objectives: Most adolescents who initiate smoking eventually become regular smokers and experience smoking-related diseases.