Chemical emissions of different volatile organic compounds from water-based paints (WBP) in relation

来源 :The 2nd International Workshop on SVOCs in the Indoor Enviro | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laowangtou2
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  Purpose Despite the decreased use of solvent-based paint (SBP) and increased use of water-based paints (WBP) few health studies are available.The aim was to study the symptoms and ocularand nasal biomarkers in house painters in relation to paint use and personal exposure to volatile organic compoundsincluding semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOC) during indoor painting with WBP.Methods All non-asthmatic house painters from three major companies and unexposed controls (janitors from one company) wereinvited, 94% (N =31) and 95% (N =20), respectively participated.Tear film break-up time (BUT),nasal patency by acoustic rhinometry, and biomarkers in nasal lavage (NAL) were measured at work, and a doctors administered questionnaire was answered.Personal sampling (8 h) of formaldehyde and VOCs were performed in 17 house painters using WBP.Results House painters had increase in ocular symptoms, decreased BUT, and increased NAL-lysozyme, when compared to controls.Painters reporting mucosal irritation from WBP had less nasal patency and higher NAL-myeloperoxidase (NAL-MPO).A large proportion of the VOC consisted of propylenglycol, diglycol ethers, and Texanol.More exact details on levels of emissions to be presented during speech.There was an association between 8-h exposure to propylene glycol and NAL-eosinophilic cationic protein (NAL-ECP), 2-phenoxyethanol levels and reduced BUT, sum of aliphatic glycol ethers and increased NAL-MPO.Conclusions House painters may have a risk for adverse physiological reactions in the ocular and nasal mucosa.A minority of painters susceptible to WBP can react with neutrophilic nasal inflammation.Different chemicals in the paint could cause either neutrophilic or eosinophilic inflammation, or reduced tear film stability.The meaning of the Physiological and medical results will be addressed.
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