Input of heavy metals into roadside soils

来源 :第四届城市、工业、交通和矿山土壤国际会议(The 4th International Conference on Sol | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ly0496lf
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  At three heavily traffic loaded motorways the bulk deposition was measured during 18 months using preserving jars made of glass (Bergerhoff method VDI 2119) which were positioned 10 cm above the soil surface.The concentration of heavy metals,Na,Ca and Fe was measured.For comparison the same jars were used in 1.5 m height as the standard method VDI 2119 requires.The distance of 1 m,2.5 m,5 m and at one site 10m from the roadside was sampled.As a reference,the distance of 100 m was sampled,too.The results show that beside heavy metals also great quantifies of other elemens caused by the road traffic are deposited in the area situated near the road.This is e.g.Na from deicing salt,whose dependency on seasons can be clearly demonstrated,but also Ca and Fe can be found in similarly high concentrations and freights.At all measuring sites a strong dependency of bulk deposition freight and distance from the roadside was found.This applies for all the substances investigated.The spatial distribution of the bulk deposition and the contaminant freights showed also clear differences between the three measuring sites,which can be attributed to the different percentages of heavy goods vehicles and main wind direction at the sites.Comparable studies up to now do not exist.One study,which had to rely on quite old data gives an estimation of contaminant input into soil and water (Hillenbrand et al.2005).It uses very old data,but shows that in Germany the road traffic generates considerable proportions of the input of Cu,Zn,Pb into waters and soils.These information now can be updated based on the new results.Further research should find answers to the question if soil material caused by splash effects from heavy rainfall can disturb the measurements and how this can be avoided.
  The ever-increasing population of Lagos requires the continuous extraction of its natural resources to keep with the pace of urbanization.The stock of its n
水芹 ,又名水英 ,楚葵等 ,系伞形花科水生宿根性草本植物。我国主要在中部、南部栽培。水芹是营养丰富的保健蔬菜 ,每 10 0g水芹含蛋白质 2 1g,脂肪 0 6g ,Ca 15 4mg、P9.8mg、Fe 2 3.3
2007年8月10日是我非常崇敬的粟裕大将诞辰一百周年纪念日,这位对中国共产党、对国家、对毛主席无限忠诚的无产阶级革命家,杰出的军事家、 August 10, 2007 is the centenar