Geochemistry and U-Pb zircon dating of the Toudaoqiao blueschists in the Great Xing’an Range, NE Chi

来源 :2014年中国地球科学联合学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xzljx
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  The Toudaoqiao Complex is a sequence of high-pressure metamorphic rocks located along the suture zone that separates the Xing’an and Erguna blocks in northeast China.The rocks were metamorphosed up to epidote-blueschist facies at P-T conditions of approximately 0.9-1.1 GPa and 320-450℃.Lithological associations and major and trace element compositions indicate that the blueschists are metabasalts with ocean island basalt (OIB) and normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB) affinities,similar to those of the Philippines intraoceanic accretionary complex formed by subduction of oceanic crust.Magmatic zircons extracted from two samples of the epidote-blueschist facies metabasalts from the North Mountain in the Toudaoqiao Complex exhibit 206Pb/238U ages of 511 ± 5 and 516 ± 17 Ma,whereas a greenschist from the South Mountain has a 206Pb/238U age of 511 ± 2 Ma; These data show that the protoliths of the Toudaoqiao Complex are of early Paleozoic age.In addition,a granitic dike from the South Mountain exhibits a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 492 ± 1 Ma.These ages constrain the timing of high-pressure metamorphism in the Toudaoqiao Complex to 490-510 Ma.The new data support the view that the suture zone between the Xing’an and Erguna blocks is the Toudaoqiao-Xinlin Fault,rather than the Derbugan Fault as previously thought.This suture,which extends from Xinlin,through Toudaoqiao,and southern Mongolia,named the ‘South Mongolia-Toudaoqiao-Xinlin Suture Zone’,may be an important boundary between the Central Mongolia-Erguna and Xing’an blocks.
越南中部的昆嵩地块为印支板块古老陆核的代表,主要出露角闪岩相—麻粒岩相前寒武纪变质基底、大量侵入杂岩及少量低级变质—无变质的沉积盖层,其构造演化对特提斯构造带的形成发展具有重要影响。然而,由于缺乏精确的年代学数据,导致对昆嵩地块的基底年龄及后期岩浆活动时限研究相对薄弱。因此,我们选取了昆嵩地块的代表性岩体进行了高精度锆石SHRIMP 和LA-ICPMS U-Pb 测年,试图建立该区岩浆活动的年代学
构造地貌是构造作用导致的地壳隆升和地表过程引起的剥蚀作用相互交织的结果,反映了地球内动力作用和地表过程的耦合关系(王岸等,2005;史兴民等,2006;李勇等,2006).尤其是在构造运动的活跃区,河流水系地貌的变迁对构造活动的响应最为敏感和直接,其内部不同级别水系的发育与演化也是晚第四纪以来构造活动最精确、最完整和最原始的记录,是理解构造—地貌—水系响应关系的理想场所(Kirby et al.,
自构造地质学问世以来,在众多地质学家的推动下,其理论不断创新、技术不断进步,使得该学科呈现出百花齐放的场面,而断裂作为地壳-岩石圈中发育最广泛、作用最重要的构造样式倍受关注,其发育特征对于层序发育样式、沉积体系展布特征、矿物成岩作用、干酪跟成烃转化、油气煤成藏以及保存等诸多方面都有非常显著的控制作用[1-4].在肇州区块沙河子组物性测试的24 块样品中,φ<5%的含量占83.3%,最大值为10.2
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