The importance of incorporating asexual fungi in to the natural classification system

来源 :Asian Mycological Congress 2013 and The 13th International M | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:poilkjqwe123
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  Pleomorphic fungi caused considerable confusion among mycologists and plant pathologists.To deal with pleomorphism, the dual nomenclature system was proposed, allowing different morphs of a fungus to have two different names.This became even more complicated when some fungi proved to be synanamorphic.In such cases a single biological species had more than two names and this rule caused a proliferation of fungal names.Connections between sexual and asexual morphs were previously chiefly based on co-occurrence on the same substrate.
一、前言 涎流冰是寒冷气候区内的一种自然现象。公路涎流冰的形成过程是,地下水或地面水从公路上侧的山坡、沟谷出露地表后,在流动过程中由于周围低温环境的影响,水温急剧
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  The family Cudoniaceae (Rhytismatales, Ascomycota) was erected to accommodate the "earth tongue fungi" in the genera Cudonia and Spathulafia.There have been
中医药学在对疾病和衰老的长期研究中,总结了许多简便易行的科学方法。掌握以下九个关键性动作。将助您延年益寿。  梳头——头为精明之府,人体之重要12经脉和40处大小穴位,以及10多个特殊刺激区均会聚于头部。用木梳或骨梳代替小银针,对这些穴位和经脉进行所谓针灸性按摩或刺激,将祛病健身。勤梳头的确是一项积极保养人体精、气、神的最简单易行、最经济的长寿保健方法。  搓脚底——中医学认为,脚底为第二心脏,脚
  Designating an epitype with molecular sequence data to replace original types, which are, in poor condition or, not available for study has become essential
  Botryosphaeriaceae comprises important plant pathogens and endophytes with broad host ranges that are distributed world-wide.Pathogens of this family cause