The Long Road Towards the Globalization of Commercial Law:Legal Culture and theResolution of Sino-Au

来源 :中国政法大学比较法学研究院 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pboss
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  Chinas Go Global strategy has encouraged Chinese companies to seek to enhance Chinas resource security through acquisitions in foreign markets.Under the influence of this policy,Chinese companies have greatly increased outbound investment in recent years, and one consequence of this increased activity has been the generation of a range of commercial disputes.The choice of different methods of dispute settlement is in part influenced by the legal cultures that have shaped the mind-sets of parties to these commercial disputes.Recent Chinese investment abroad has grown significantly and increasing economic engagement between China and other countries will inevitably involve some degree of conflict and disagreement as differentlegal cultures interact.In understanding points of tension in the Sino-Australian investment relationship questions are raised concerning legal pluralism and the impact of legal culture on Chinese companies operating in Australia.This paper discussesa number of recent commercial disputes involving Chinese companies in Australia and the slow movement towards the globalization of commercial law.
2012年5月5日凌晨2时40分,一辆槽罐车在途经我省汉中市宁强县大安镇石窝金村(108国道1722km+ 50m处)时发生侧翻,罐体内苯乙烯发生泄漏并流入汉江.接报后,省、市、县三级环保部门迅速启动应急预案,快速响应,及时指导当地政府科学处置,在最短时间内控制了污染物,有效防止了污染物扩散,将苯乙烯对汉江污染控制在最小范围,保障了汉江水质安全.事件的成功处置为我省科学应对此类突发环境事件积累了宝
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