BP Neural Network PID control in adjustable-pitch wind turbine control system

来源 :第2届中国国际可再生能源设备与技术国际研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mingliqq
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This paper described a BP Neural Network PID control method applied in the Variable Speed adjustable pitch wind turbine control system, in order to solve non-linear, parameters time changing, anti-disturb and time-lag problems, in which the pitch exactor is driven by hydraulic unit.After analyzed the hydraulic oil path, transform function modal and parameters changing at three kinds of operation states, described the BP Neural Network PID control principles, then gave the simulation result based on 7.5kW trial Variable Speed Constant Frequency wind turbine design data method, compared with regular PID control method and analyzed the changing trend. Finally the conclusion is present.
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