Structural-elastic determination of the lifetime of biomolecules under force

来源 :2017中国生物材料大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianaiguo
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  Force-dependent strand-separation of DNA or ligand-receptor complex has been used as means to tune stiffness of hydrogel,and as a reporter to measure the level of mechanical forces developed between cells and extracellular matrix.In addition,a force-dependent lifetime of protein domains a crucial role in mechanosensing of cells.In spite of its biological and practical importance,how force affects the lifetime of molecules remains poorly understood.Here,we report a new analytical expression of the force-dependent molecular lifetime derived based on the structural-elastic properties of the molecules,for transitions that contain a single barrier.The values of the parameters of this model directly inform us of the differential structural-elastic properties of the molecules between the transition and native states.Further,with additional information on the structural-elastic properties of the native state that can be obtained based on the molecular structure and all-atom molecular dynamics simulations,the structural-elastic properties of the transition state can be uniquely determined by the values of the parameters.We demonstrate the applications of this model by applying it to explain complex force-dependent lifetime data for several molecules reported in recent experiments and predict the structural-elastic properties of the transition states of these molecules using the best-fitting values of the parameters.This model can be used to guide the design of interacting molecular pairs to achieve targeted mechanical properties of hydrogels.
点击化学(Click chemistry)是由2001年诺贝尔化学奖获得者美国化学家Sharpless等提出的一种快速合成大量化合物的新方法.由于其反应条件温和、反应速率快、无副反应、反应具有立构选择性等特点,在生物医用水凝胶制备中获得大量应用.在本课题组的前期工作中,已通过Diels-Alde:点击反应制备出具有良好力学性能的HA/PEG复合水凝胶材料。在此研究基础上,通过Diels-Alder
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二氧化钛(TiO2)是一种生物毒性低、结构稳定的光催化或光热材料。基于TiO2 纳米功能修饰理念,以乳腺癌的有效治疗与可视化诊疗为目标,我们研究团队在TiO2 肿瘤诊治分子探针的设计、构建、性能调控以及治疗与可视化诊疗应用方面开展了一系列的研究探索。本报告中,我们将就近期的研究进展,主要包括:pH 响应型药物载体、近红外响应型光热治疗材料、光动力治疗/化疗多功能药物载体、磁共振成像/光动力治疗双功
Lando 双层人工真皮修复材料是国内首个适用于大面积真皮缺损修复与重建的双层人工真皮产品。该产品具有双层结构,上层是半透膜性质的医用硅橡胶层,使用时背离创面,具备防水、隔菌、控制水分流失等功能;下层是可降解的、经交联处理过的湿态胶原海绵层,与创面直接接触,作为细胞浸润及毛细血管增长的支架,能够诱导皮肤组织再生,形成新生真皮。
本文以Ti 颗粒为增强体,利用离心-凝胶注模成型技术制备Ti/HA 梯度复合材料。研究了Ti/HA 浆料的特性和浆料的凝胶固化过程。分析了离心转数、离心时间以及浆料固相含量对梯度复合材料生坯密度梯度的影响。观察了烧结后梯度复合材料的显微组织,并测量了Ti/HA 复合材料的抗弯强度和断裂韧性。
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