Running a transgenic facility Trouble-shooting-Managing errors, difficulties

来源 :The 11th transgenic Technology Meeting ISTT2013 ( 第十一届国际转基因技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangwz2005
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Generation of genetically manipulated animal models is costly, time consuming and requires multiple resources.A centralized core facility consolidates the expensive, specialized equipment and coordinates staffs expertise to optimize the production line efficiency.To deliver high quality and efficiency, the coresmanagement and personnel must work meticulously in every aspect of the procedure, which requires trouble shooting from time to time.
本文以隆线潘(Daphnia carinata)为研究对象,利用同源序列设计引物,通过普通PCR以及RACE-PCR扩增、拼接得到隆线溞性别决定基因Transformer (Tra)的全长cDNA序列,并对该基因
Although eyestalk ablation has been used in the stimulation of decapod female gonad maturation, much of the process underlying the control of its synthesis and
克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)已发展成为最具特色、最具潜力的水产养殖新品种之一.但近些年暴发的螺原体疫病给克氏原螯虾这一正处于高速发展期的养殖品种带来了重大损失
中国卤虫(Artemia sinica)广泛分布于内陆盐池和盐湖中,是一种广温、耐高盐的小型甲壳动物.卤虫具有较强的抗逆能力,在缺氧、高盐、干燥、低温、食物匮乏、日照时间缩短等条
中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)是我国重要养殖经济蟹类,对其功能基因、防御机制的研究有助于促进蟹类的持续健康养殖.新一代高通量转录组测序的兴起,为无参考基因组物种的
血蓝蛋白是一种含铜的多亚基蛋白,除作为携氧色素外,还具有免疫功能.本研究利用cDNA末端快速扩增技术(rapid amplification of cDNA ends,RACE)从日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipp
促雄性腺(androgenic gland,AG)是雄性甲壳动物特有的内分泌腺,其分泌的胰岛素样促雄性腺激素(insulin-like androgenic gland hormone,IAG)对甲壳动物性别分化,雄性第二性征
基于高通量测序技术(RNA-seq)对盐度胁迫条件下中华绒螯蟹肌肉和鳃中的基因和通路进行了分析.研究共得到2.769亿Reads,de novo拼接后,共得到206,371条contigs,平均长度为613.
It has taken us millions of years to discover that the genome can be artificially challenged but only a few dozen of years to develop and refine the necessary m