Utilizing Chinese Sustainable Design Thinking to Drive Human-Centered Interaction Design Form

来源 :International Innovation Design and Management Summit Forum | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccj66417
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  The new sustainable design thinking is emphasized human experience in developing resources to help them act in the Situations in which they found themselves.Peoples interaction consists of both physical sense and also in terms of the way in which actions we take have consequences for us emotionally.This repot investigates some principles methodology of Human-centered interaction design,that particularly focus on a sustainable User-Centered Interaction(UCI)to explore a new relationship between human and interactive product in order to build up a novel information and communication system across the different kind of interactive project.In this paper,to adapt a Chinese sustainable thinking which has been wildly used in traditional creative framework in different design area,such as painting,architecture,sculpture.The purpose of sustainable thinking is to cooperate multiple elements,including human,environment and material(media)in a mutual system which could benefit for each of them.Modern interaction design framework need to find a similar way to assess designer or developer to integrate humans experience,thoughts,feelings and ways of interaction to engage user to participate by utilizing interactive technology in HCI communication.By investigating and take advantage some of relevant traditional thinking to form a really sustainable interaction design system,that will offer a powerful set of components for interaction designers to bring to bear on their projects that participator are actively engaged in Human- Centered Interaction communication.By interpreting the elements of interaction to indicate how to render different elements of visual,aural,tactile to create an attractive interaction framework that can deliver information effectively and reflective of user from usability and users interaction experience.
2001年3月,我来到广东江门打工。由于很久没找到工作,我就把姐姐的书报摊接了过来。  有一天,我的书报摊里进来一男一女两个年轻人。他们一口气买了十几本杂志。我问女孩:“你爱看这么多种杂志吗?”她说:“我只要一本,其余的都是给别人带的。”原来,他们工厂附近都没有书店和书摊,且离城里又远,进一次城不容易,所以谁来了都会帮别人带些新出的杂志回去。  那两个人走后,我就开始琢磨:他们那里买不到杂志,我这
Chemosensation is the most ubiquitous sense in animals,enacted by the products of complex gene families that detect environmental chemical cues and larger-scale