Molding Modeling and Simulation in Powder Metallurgy

来源 :2013年全国粉末冶金学术会议及海峡两岸粉末冶金技术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuyunvc
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  Traditional powder metallurgy is largely dependent on adaptive process control,because many of the important factors responsible for dimensional or quality variations are not measured.The variations in particle size,composition,tool wear,furnace location,and other factors,such as reactions between particles during heating,impact the important dimensional-control aspects of press-sinter powder metallurgy.However,nominal properties,such as strength,hardness,or fatigue life,are dominated by the average component density.In that regard,especially with respect to the initial process setup,the computer simulations are of great value.Nevertheless,important attributes such as dimensional tolerances and internal cracks or other defects are outside the cost-benefit capabilities of existing simulations.Further,the very large number of materials,processes,tool materials,sintering furnaces,and process cycles make it difficult to generalize;significant data collection is required to reach the tipping point where the simulations are off-the-shelf.Thus,much more research and training is required to move the simulations into a mode where they are widely applied in practice.Even so,commercial software is available and shows great value in the initial process definition to set up a new component.Illustrated in this paper is compaction,sintering concepts required to perform process optimization,typically via selection of appropriate compaction tool motion.In addition,this paper will also demonstrate how to use simulation capability for designing powder and its production process.
刚出生的小宝宝,一会儿肚子咕咕叫,一会儿憋劲儿憋得小脸通红,一会儿又打嗝,令新妈妈们束手无策,不知如何是好。 Newborn baby, while groaning stomach, while Bie child B
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