A research field of molecular spintronics attracts attentions.One of advantages of organic molecules for the use in spintronics devices is that the spin and electronic states are strongly correlated with their structures.By using molecule switching with outer simulations like as current and light,a single spin of a single molecule could be controlled.In this talk,we demonstrate spin detection and manipulation for a single molecule magnet(SMM),bis(phthalocyaninato)lutetium(Ⅲ)(LuPc2)which has double phthalocyanine(Pc)ligands.SMM is a class of molecule in which a single molecule behaves as a magnet.We use the observation of Kondo resonance for spin detection,which is a promising technique for the spin examination at surfaces and interfaces.The Kondo effect,which occurs due to interactions between conduction electrons and a localized spin,causes a change in conductance and has been observed mainly for metal and semiconductor.Recently,it was also demonstrated that a pure organic radical spin can form Kondo resonance on the Au(111)surface [1,2].We demonstrated spin control of TbPc2 molecule by changing the azimuthal rotational angle of the double Pc planes.The rotation was realized by applying a pulse bias to the molecule in which the TbPc2 molecule could switch between the stable =45 o and 30 o rotational states in a reversal manner.Accompanying the rotation,we can see on/off of the spin state by monitoring the Kondo state.The change was caused by energy-shifts of the HOMO and SOMO states with the rotation angle [3].We can manipulate the Kondo state with the presence of Cs atom at the center of the YPc2 molecule.With the electron donation from the Cs atom to the YPc2 molecule,we consider that the unoccupied orbital is filled and the-radical spin is annihilated,which is followed by the disappearance of the Kondo state [4].