Digging Evidence for Violation of Cloud Security Compliance with Knowledge Learned from Logs

来源 :第十二届中国可信计算与信息安全学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mu5
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  Security compliance auditing against standards,regulations or requirements in cloud environments is of increasing importance to boost trust between stakeholders.Many automatic security compliance auditing tools have been developed to facilitate accountability and trans-parency of a cloud provider to its tenants in a large scale and complex cloud.User operations in clouds that may cause security compliance violations have attracted attention,including some management oper-ations conducted by insider attackers.System changes induced by the operations concerning security policies are captured for auditing.How-cver,existing cloud sccurity compliancc auditing tools mainly conccn-trate on verification rather than on evidence provision.In this paper,we propose an automatic approach to digging evidence for security com-pliance violations of user operations,by mining the insights of system execution for the operations from system execution traces.Both known and potentially unknown suspicious user operation re-quests that may cause security compliance violations,or suspect system execution behav-ior changes,are automatically recognized.More importantly,evidences related to the detected suspicious requests are presented for further au-diting,where the abnormal and expected snippets are marked in the relevant extracted execution traces.We have evaluated our method in OpenStack,a popular open source cloud operating system.The experi-mental rcsults dcmonstrate the capability of our approach to detecting user opera-tion requests causing security compliance violations and pre-senting relevant evidences.
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