Rethink Our View on Diabetes-the Time of Paradigm Shift Has Come

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Annual World Congress of Endobolism-2012(2012第二届内分 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuspecial
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  The non-specific advanced glycation/oxidation of proteins and lipids have been long identified as a profound mechanism that results in irreversible physiological and biological deterioration of tissues and organs.The resulting advanced glycation and lipoxidation end products (AGEs &ALEs) have been implicated as the causative factors for the on set of various diseases including diabetes and its various complications.The concept of metabolic memory has been proven by numerous pre-clinical studies and large-scale clinical studies such as DCCT, UKPDS, ADVANCE and ACCORD.Several biomarkers along the mechanism of glycation and oxidation have demonstrated great clinical implication in achieving early diagnose and proper management of diabetes.The most recent publication by Dr.Denise Fraustman on Diabetes Care reveals that T1D patients have functional residual c-peptide lever up to 40 years being diagnosed.This new finding based on an ultra sensitive c-peptide assay has fundamentally changed the traditional believe that T1D patients wont have c-peptide left after one year being diagnosed.This latest discovery together with renewed view on C-peptides biological activities lead to a paradigm shift on finding cure for T1D.The time has come, more than ever, we need to change our mind setting and approach in the management of diabetes.
本文分析了供电企业人力资源管理中存在的问题,提出了解决思路:转变思想观念,对员工进行合理配置,加强电力企业职工的培训等。 This article analyzes the existing problem
许多工作繁忙而渴求完美的女性尽管能抽出时间来做美容、买衣服,甚至服用保健品,却往往会忽视自己的饮食和运动,也很少给 Many busy and aspiring women, though they can t