The Distribution of N2O in Surface Seawater and the Air-sea Flux in the Southern Ocean

来源 :第二届SOLAS国际开放科学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fangfang_936
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  Triplicate water samples were taken during the 22 nd Chinese Antarctic Expedition.The samples were analyzed in lab.Result shows that: ⑴ The distribution of N2O in sea water was unevenly along the cruise.The concentration of N2O was high at high latitude and low in tropical area.The highest concentration of N2O in the seawater was found at 62.62°S with concentration as high as 17.54±0.27nM,while the lowest concentration of 5.67±0.17nM was found at 16.72°N.The distribution of N2O was fluctuated between 30°S~30°N,which might be result of influencing of high N2O concentration coastal waters between these latitudes,while in the southern ocean,the concentration of N2O in surface water increase along the cruise with increasing of latitude,while it was also somewhat fluctuated.The correlation between concentration and SST and other factors in this area shows that the concentration of N2O in the surface seawater was significant controlled by the SST,while the correspondence between N2O concentration abnormity of surface seawater and oceanic frontal structure suggest that the concentration of dissolved N2O may also be influenced by hydrographic properties to some extent.And the correspondence of N2O partial pressure between the surface seawater and atmosphere also shows that the atmospheric N2O concentration might be influenced by ocean and land.⑵ The average air-sea flux of N2O of the whole cruise during 22 nd Expedition was 2.12±1.14μmol m -2 d -1.As a whole,Southern ocean was source of atmospheric N2O during the expedition,with average value of 1.70±0.95μmol m -2 d -1,while the area north of 48~55°S act as a source and south of 48~55°S turn into a sink.On the other hand,the latitudes between 30°S~30°N act as a source of N2O with air sea flux of 3.62±1.03μmol m -2 d -1.⑶ the air-sea flux of Prydz bay was about -1.70±0.95μmol m -2 d -1 during cruise.The formation of weak sink might due to the diluted of surface waters and strong stratification during the summer time,which hamper the exchange of surface water and subsurface waters.
一、土肥水管理 1.深翻改土 每年深翻1~2次,时间在采果后至春季发芽前,深20~30cm。锄划3~5次,以改善土壤条件,提高土壤肥力,增强土壤的通透性。翻压晾冻越冬病虫害。 2.科学施
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