Moose winter diet components from feces and field surveys: the stability and variability related to

来源 :第十届全国野生动物生态与资源保护学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq343246680
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  Diet analysis is important work for revealing interrelationship between animal and environment.Diet composition detection of herbivore related to feeding strategies might be influenced by detection methods,available forage and geographical variation.Therefore,it is difficult to assess how effective the various methods of identifying herbivore diet components and their nutritional requirements are.
Indirect interactions,such as mutualism with seed dispersers,between cofruiting plants that share dispersers could alter their competition.Here,we tested the hypothesis that tree species has more mutu
红外相机技术是开展野生动物资源调查与监测的重要工具.2012年4月30日至2013年3月31日,安徽大学生命科学学院和安徽天马国家级自然,在大别山中部的安徽天马国家级自然保护区内12 个监测样区布设58 台红外相机,对野生动物资源进行了初步调查.
Many seedhoarding species are faced with ephemeral pulses of seeds that result in competition at seed sources and the need to minimize hoarding time during the limited time seeds are available.
Coevolvedplantanimalinteractions can be complex and play a vital role inecosystem functionality and the persistence of biodiversity.
There is limited understanding about bird dispersal behaviour and seedling distribution of endangered tree species in patchy environments,although these processes are important for plant species persi
Mutualism interactions between animals and plants are essential in shaping the structure of plantanimal system.Here,we assess the effects of functional traits of plants and rodents on formation of mut
Light is essential for embryonic development in many oviparous animals,but harmful in mammals.The response of reptile embryos to light is thus critical to understanding the evolution of sensitivity to
Rodents could influence plant regeneration as both seed predators and dispersers.With the combination of both field and experimental(in cage and seminatural enclosure)conditions,we tested whether rode
森林鼠类的种子贮藏行为对植物的扩散及更新会产生积极的影响.2012 和2013 年秋季,分别在秦岭北坡的周至国家级自然保护区和南坡的佛坪国家级自然保护区内,调查了森林鼠类对板栗(Castanea mollissima)和锐齿栎(Quercusaliena)种子的取食和扩散差异.