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早在两千多年前,中国医典中就论证了“人与天地相应”的观点,并且提出从阴阳、表里、寒热、虚实等方面调整人体与自然界的平衡关系,以适应自然环境的变化;并借助于自然资源,包括动植物、微生物和矿物、岩石等各自特有的功能帮助调整人体与自然界的平衡,保障身体健康,以求得人类的生存与发展。随着人类对自然界物质属性认识的深化,对人体本身的认识也不断发展;由对细胞、血液、内脏器官具有物质性的认识,发展到对其有机分子的本质认识,进一步发展到对有机分子中各种元素排列组合和其特殊运动形式存在与演化规律的探讨。这就进一 As early as two thousand years ago, the Chinese Medical Code demonstrated the viewpoint of “man and world correspond” and proposed to adjust the balance between the human body and nature from the aspect of yin and yang, surface, cold and heat, actual conditions and so on, so as to adapt to the natural environment Change and help adjust the balance between human and nature with the help of natural resources including flora and fauna, microorganisms and minerals, rocks and other specific functions to ensure the health of the human being in order to achieve the survival and development of mankind. With the deepening of human understanding of the physical properties of nature, the understanding of the human body itself has also continued to evolve. From the understanding of the cellular, blood, and visceral organs to the understanding of the essence of their organic molecules, the further development of organic molecules In the arrangement of various elements and their special form of movement and evolution of the law discussed. This into one