Determination of Odorants from Leachate of a Landfill Site in Australia

来源 :第五届全国恶臭污染测试与控制技术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baobei871011
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  Landfill site is one of important odour emission sources.Odour emissions from landfill sites depend on the waste buried,operation activities,running conditions,etc.Odorants from landfill sites may include reduced volatile organic sulfur compounds (VOSCs),volatile organic compounds (VOCs),inorganic compounds,and so on.A set of sampling and measurement methods had been used for determination of odorous compounds from a municipal waste landfill site.Emissions from landfill gas and leachate were all considered and measured for identification of potential odorant contributors.Landfill gas was sampled directly into Tedlar bags for sulfur compound analysis,while Tenax TA sorbent tube samples were collected for VOC determination.5 L of leachate sample was also collected from the leachate storage dam for flux hood emission test as emission sampling was impossible to be conducted on-site because of safety issue.14 volatile sulfur compounds were identified in the landfill gas,of which 10 were quantified with the concentrations of 5 VOSCs above their odour thresholds and identified as potential contributors to the odour observed on site.The VOSC speciation of the leachate flux hood emission samples identified only two major sulfur components: carbonyl sulfide (COS) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S); and their abundances are considerably less (H2S = 0.0006 mg/m3) than that from the landfill gas (H2S = 0.0257 mg/m3).Over 130 VOCs were detected in the landfill gas; with at least 28 of them being documented odorants.However only 6 VOCs were identified as odorant contributors in the leachate emission samples.
摘要:东北亚地区各国人口数量和结构的差异,经济结构和发展水平的差异,使得区域内劳动力供需存在很强的互补性。东北亚区域合作的开展,形成了区域内国际劳务合作的良好局面,但由于金融危机的影响,各国的失业率在增大,对国外劳务的需求大大降低,而我国作为区域内的主要劳务输出国,势必受到不同程度的影响。因此,加快建立东北亚地区国际劳务合作协调机制,促进劳动力的跨国流动成为区域内合作的一个重要课题。  关键词:东
  茅苍术是江苏省道地药材,其主要药效成分为挥发油.茅苍术富含内生细菌,其与宿主挥发油积累之间的关系目前还清楚.以一株内生不动杆菌ALEB16 为材料,对茅苍术组培苗挥发油
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