Self-assembly of Zn(Ⅱ) Coordination Complexes with Helix and Nanotube Subunits Based on Semi-rigid V

来源 :第八届中日双边金属原子簇化合物研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zmy_java
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The hydrothermal reaction between Zn(OAc)2·2H2O and two asymmetric semi-rigid V-shaped tricarboxylate ligands H3L1 and H3L2 with the help of 2,2-bpy,or 4,4-bpy ligands led to four new coordination polymers [Zn(HL1)(2,2-bpy)(H2O)]n (1),[Zn3(L2)2(2,2-bpy)3(H2O)3]n·(H2O)2n (2),[Zn3(L1)2(4,4-bpy)2(H2O)4]n·(H2O)6n(3),and [Zn3(L2)2(4,4-bpy)2]n·(H2O) (4),where H3L1,H3L2,2,2-bpy,and 4,4-bpy ligands are3-(2-carboxyphenoxy)phthalic acid,3-(4-carboxyphenoxy)phthalic acid,2,2-bipyridine,and 4,4-bipyridine,respectively.
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