Preparation of Pt-Pd bimetallic monolithic catalyst and its performance in catalytic combustion of b

来源 :the 4th International Conference on Structured Catalysts and | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amies
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  With the strengthening of peoples environmental awareness as well as the stringent of countries environmental legislation, governance requirements for motor vehicle exhaust are increasingly high.Not only can catalytic combustion make fuel to achieve complete combustion at a lower temperature, but also have some advantages simple equipments, low energy consumption, high removal rate and less formation of NOx secondary pollution, for optimizing the energy structure in China, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing atmospheric pollution is of great significance.The traditional catalyst in the presence of a high pressure drop, high energy consumption shortcomings, has been unable to meet high quality requirements ,so there is an urgent need to develop a new catalyst, at the same time having high activity at low temperature and thermal stability, but also having high mechanical strength and thermal shock resistance.
我的老父亲年近八旬,十年前,先是患上了脑梗,随后出现老年痴呆。语言木讷,眼神游离,行动迟滞,几近不能自理。我陪着母亲带上老爸,遍访各地名医,求诊问病。得到的结论如出一辙:此病目前尚缺少灵丹妙药,重在日常生活调理和锻炼。同时,医生提醒我们家属,此病通常会逐步加重,一般8~10年可能会发展到丧失生活能力,甚至卧床不起,不能自理。作为外行,我很震惊;作为儿子,我很揪心!  光阴荏苒,一晃,杏林高手们说的
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摘要:班主任对高中德育教育实施的作用是不可忽视的,他们在学生的成长过程中发挥着不可代替的作用。积极发挥班主任在学校德育工作中的作用,构建良好的班风学风,才能促进素质教育在高中学校内的落实。文章基于高中班主任工作现状,主要分析了班主任在高中德育中的作用。  关键词:班主任;高中德育;作用;措施  随着我国教育事业的快速发展,在高中教育工作中落实德育教育,培养学生的思想道德品质,有助于高中学生健康成长