Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on the Growth of Wheat Tiller Buds is Related to Changes in Endoge

来源 :第十五次全国小麦栽培科学学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nieaobama
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Hormones play important roles in regulating the growth of wheat tiller buds.However,little is known about the relationships and the underlying mechanisms between endogenous hormones and the growth of wheat tiller buds induced by exogenous hormones.In the study,two winter wheat cultivars (Shannong 15 and Shannong 8355) were used to investigate the effect of exogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA),gibberellic acid 3 (GA3),abscisic acid(ABA),and zeatin(ZT) on the tiller buds outgrowth,and the relationship between endogenous hormones and the growth of tiller buds.The results showed that exogenous IAA and GA3 completely inhibited the tiller buds growth,and ABA significantly slowed the growth rate of tiller buds,while the tiller buds growth was not affected by exogenous ZT compared with the control.Exogenous IAA increased the IAA contents and the ratio of IAA to ZT,but inhibited the increase in the ZT contents.At the same time,the application of GA3 increased contents of IAA,GAs,and ABA,the ratios of IAA to ZT and ABA to ZT,but decrease ZT contents.In addition,ABA treatment increased the ABA contents and the ratios of ABA to ZT,but slowed the increase in the ZT contents.According to correlation analysis,the tiller buds growth was significantly and positively correlated with the content of ZT,whereas significantly and negatively correlated with the IAA contents and the ratios of IAA to ZT and ABA to ZT.Moreover,no significant correlation was observed between the tiller buds growth and the contents of GAs and ABA.These results suggested that IAA and ZT play key roles in regulating the growth of wheat tiller buds,and exogenous hormones regulated the contents of IAA and ZT,the ratio of IAA to ZT,and the ratio of ABA to ZT in tiller nodes,thus regulating the growth of wheat tiller buds.
以河北省为主要组成部分的海河平原,是我国重要的小麦产区.2004年以来,在该区域的进行小麦超高产(9000 kg·hm-2)典型创建的基础上,通过对超高产麦田的追踪建档和设置试验研究,初步明确了超高产小麦的品种类型和产量结构、超高产冬小麦的群体性状及其共性特征、超高产冬小麦的个体形态和生理性状特点,以及超高产冬小麦对氮、磷、钾、硫、锰、锌、铜、硼等8种无机营养元素的吸收、积累和分配等无机营养特性。
为揭示超高产小麦的产量构成因素形成的动态特征,集多个栽培试验测定数据,按照籽粒产量<9000kg hm-2(高产),>9000 kg hm2(超高产)的产量水平,对其分蘖消长、小花分化与成粒、干物质积累等产量形成过程分别采用Richards-Gaussian联合方程、分段曲线、线性、以及Richards模型进行模拟分析。结果表明:一般高产田高峰期出现较超高产滞后,且峰值下降幅度较大,最终成穗数低于
为明确超高产(9000 kg·hm-2左右)冬小麦的钾营养特点,为确定钾肥施用技术提供依据,2004-2006年度分别种植4个品种,各生育时期在田间取植株样品,分器官测定钾的含量。结果表明,小麦全生育期地上部不同器官中钾(K2O,下同)的含量为0.21%~3.84%(干重).各器官都是在形成初期或早期含钾量最高,以后直到成熟期都在不同程度下降.各生育时期含钾量最高的器官随生长中心转移而更替.在所有
为明确超高产栽培条件下(≥9000 kg·hm-2)冬小麦氮素营养特点,2004-2006年冬小麦生长季通过田间取样,分器官测定氮含量,研究了超高产冬小麦氮素吸收、积累与分配特点。结果表明:在产量水平9000 kg·hm-2左右条件下,小麦全生育期各器官的含氮量为0.22%~3.55%(干重).生育前期叶片氮含量与积累量最高,生育后期籽粒氮含量与积累量最高.小麦全生育期氮的总积累量为232.48~
于山东农业大学实验农场种植高产强筋小麦济麦20和高产中筋小麦泰山23,设不灌水(W0)、灌3水(播种前、拔节期和开花期,w1)、4水(播种前、冬前期、拔节期和开花期,w2)和5水(播种前、冬前期、拔节期、开花期和灌浆期,W3)处理,每次灌水量均为60 mm.小麦生育期间降水量196.1 mm.研究了灌水量对小麦氮素吸收、分配、利用和籽粒产量与品质及耗水量、水分利用率的影响。
应用15N标记技术研究高产麦田中施氮量和底施与追施氮肥比例(底追肥比例)对冬小麦籽粒产量、氮肥利用及土壤残留和损失的影响。试验设置7个处理:不施氮肥(N0);在施纯氮量为168 kg·ha-1和240 kg·ha-1条件下,各设底追肥比例为1∶1 (N1秆N4)、1∶2(N2和N5)、0∶1(N3和N6)3个处理。与不施氮处理相比,施氮显著提高了籽粒产量和蛋白质含量,处理N2、N5和N6均较优,其