1H NMR based metabolic profiling and differentiation of Astragali Radix from different regions of Ch

来源 :第一届《药学学报》药学前沿论坛暨2015年中国药学会中药与天然药物专业委员会会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a242269752
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  Astragali Radix(AR)is one of the most popular herbal medicines in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM).Wild AR is believed to be of higher quality,and the adulteration of cultivated AR is frequently encountered in the market.In this study,two types of ARs(wild and cultivated)from Astragalus membranaceus(Fisch.)Bge.and A.membranaceus var.mongholicus(Bge.)Hsiao,growing in different regions of China,were analyzed by NMR profiling coupled with multivariate analysis.Results showed that both can be differentiated successfully,and cultivation patterns or growth years may have greater impacts on the metabolite compositions than the species,and the metabolites responsible for the separation were identified.In addition,3 extraction methods were compared and the method 1(M1),showing the best separation,was used for further analysis.The differential metabolites among different methods were also revealed.Moreover,the sucrose/glucose ratio can be used as a simple index to differentiate wild and cultivated AR.Meanwhile,the changes of correlation pattern among the differential metabolites of the two species was found.The work demonstrated that NMR based non-targeted profiling approach,combined with multivariate statistica
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