Perspectives in Biomedical Engineering

来源 :中国科学院第十六次院士大会第三届学部学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:musicwen5918
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  In the 21 st century,the highest priority for mostpeople is health.Biomedical engineeringplays an important role in improvingthe health andquality of life of people.The analysisand synthesis of the vast amount of biomedicalinformation generated by the dramaticprogresses in modem biology require the applicationof new concepts and technologies inengineering.An integrative approach is essential forthe elucidation of physiologicalregulation in health and the development ofinnovative methods for diagnosis,treatmentand prevention of disease. The integration requires interdisciplinary research andeducation at the interface of biology, medicine and engineering, the coordination ofresearch across multiple scales in the biological hierarchy, and the synergism of scienceand technology with the ultimate aim of translation. The integration of research findingswith the aid of systems biology has led to the generation of a cohesive body of knowledgethrough engineering analysis and network construction. Integration of advances in scienceand technology, including fields such as drug delivery, nanomedicine, bioimaging,biomaterials, stem cells, regenerative medicine, non-invasive procedures, wireless health,etc., will lead to improvements in healthcare and its delivery. These approaches will allowthe practice of individualized, preventative medicine that is patient-centered and cost-effective. The achievement of these promises and challenges requires the innovation fromacademia, its collaboration with industry and hospitals for translation, and the support bygovernment and private foundations. Such collaborations in biomedical engineeringamong academia, clinical medicine, industry, private sector, and government will lead tothe enhancements of health and quality of life of people.
  根据卫星观测,Sagawa et al.(2005)指出,低纬电离层存在明显的沿经度方向的四波结构(Wavenumber-4,简称WN4).随后的工作证明,电离层的WN4结构主要来自大气层非迁移潮汐DE