Pooled Genetic Analysis Reveals an Association of SNPs of Only a Few Genes with Risk Predisposition

来源 :首届甘肃省神经病学萃英论坛暨2015年甘肃省神经病学年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq88493940
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  Up to date, series of studies on ischemic stroke had resulted in inconsistent conclusion.In this study, we aimed to evaluate which specific genes were associated with increased predisposition to stroke in a Chinese population.To identify the specific genes and polymorphisms associated with predisposition to ischemic stroke, we performed high throughput sequenom based next-generation sequencing from 743 patient with history of ischemic stroke.
患者男,65岁,农民,入院前1天18:00于活动中突感颈部、后背闷胀样疼痛,半小时后自觉双下肢自下而上发展的无力及感觉消失.约90分钟后发展为双下肢无力,不能活动,双侧乳头平面以下感觉消失,小便费力,不能自主排尿.此后病情再无进展,数小时后自觉感觉症状(触觉、痛觉减退)略有恢复. 本例患者症状较典型,尿便障碍明显,为减轻脊髓水肿、控制炎症,本例患者积极给予激素治疗,效果显著,预后良好。
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