Assessmentof Grassland Degradation;Detectingthelanduseandlandcover Changes;Agis&Rsapproach

来源 :西南大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:intaaac
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This study Performs the new technology of using the Geographic InformationSystem GIS and Remote Sensing RS in additional to Global Position System GPS inmapping the status of Grassland in the source region of the Yellow River in TibetanPlateau (TP) of China between 1994 and 2001 so as to detect the changes that havetaken place in this status between these periods. On the grounds of geography, ecology, agriculture and spatial analysis, based onplenty of data collected from field observation remote sensing RS, geographicinformation system GIS and global position system GPS technique were used toconstruct the land cover database and do the analysis of the grassland degradation. The total land mass of study area is about 32, 115 km2, out of which 26, 802 km2 iscomposed of grassland which accounts for 83.45% of total area. The ArcGIS 9.2 andErdas 9.1 were used to convert data types and perform the overlay, image processing,reclassification and zonal statistic analysis. The result of the study shows that the grassland degradation is the most importantland cover change in the study area which occupied g% of the regions total area. Thedegradation process was found to be more severing near the settlements and roads. Theunsustainable human activities along with climate change were the main source ofdegradation in the study area since 1985. Under climate change and the human activities, the plight of the Yellow River and its source region is a clear and urgent waming to the world that global warming is harming us now and is going to get worse. To tackle climate change and especially to mitigatethe part human activity played in causing climate change is not a task for the people ofYellow River source region alone. It requires the concerted effort of China and all othercountries in the world to act now. Suggestions were therefore made at the end of the work on ways to use informationas contained therein optimally.
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