The Effects of Motivation on Employee’s Performance in A Company:A Case Study of Bollore Africa Logi

来源 :山东大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuper
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Workers who are motivated and excited about their jobs carry out their responsibilities to the best of their ability and production numbers increase as a result.Employers need to get to know their employees very well and use different tactics to motivate each of them based on their personal wants and needs.The study seeks to examine "The effects of motivation on employee’s performance at BOLLORE Africa Logistics in Cameroon".The research attempt to fulfill the following objectives:to identify the motivational strategies used by BOLLORE Africa Logistics,to identify factors that motivates and serve as dissatisfaction among workers at BOLLORE,to assess the effect of motivation on employee’s performance and organizational productivity in the company,establish whether motivation has any influence on the employees work at BOLLORE,to make appropriate recommendations to improve motivational strategies and employees performance more at BOLLORE.Further,for the purpose of getting the viewpoints of the employees in BOLLORE Africa Logistics,we use the survey approach.This study adopted a qualitative aspect and a descriptive method.A sample size of 30 respondents was used for the study.Data collected using the questionnaires were edited for clarity and then frequency tables,graphs were drawn to show the final results using the excel software and the Statistical Package for Social Scientist(SPSS)software.The study reveals extrinsic motivation given to workers in an organization has a significant influence on the worker’s performance.The study also reveals that level of motivation is low according to most of the respondents;18 representing 60%.With regards to the effects of motivation on employee’s performance,it was discovered that most respondents were willing to increase their productivity level if they are given extrinsic rewards and if they are well motivated.In ranking among the seven selected motivational factors,high salary was ranked as the first one;12 representing 40%.The study concluded that staff level of motivation at BOLLORE Africa Logistics is generally low and it is evident in relation to their output of work and will commit them in order to work to see the success of the business.It was therefore recommended that motivation should be management’s topmost priority in order for employees to deliver excellent service to its valued customers and improve their work performance and increase production.It is therefore important that employees of BOLLORE have to be well motivated to ensure continuous to be effective,efficient and productive.
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