An Analysis on the Success of Maruti Suzuki Pvt Ltd From The Perspective of Relationship Between Cul

来源 :苏州大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boyskys
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For a company to succeed in the global competitive environment, it is imperative toassess the consumer behavior of the country they want to target. Consumer behavior isinfluenced by many factors, but one major factor would be cultural. It forms the biggestcontributor to molding a consumers behavior in any country for any product purchasedecision. This thesis analyzes the culture of India and how it influences consumerbehavior within the car industry. The research topic has been narrowed down to themonopoly in the Indian car industry since this topic has not been written or researchedabout until now. Many authors have touched the topic of Maruti Suzukis monopoly inthe Indian car industry, but very few have explored the reasons behind this fact, andnone have connected this factual argument to Indias cultural influence on the carbuying behavior.  In this paper, the writer puts general information on culture and consumer behavior,thereafier narrowing down the research to Indian culture and Indian consumer behavior,and eventually narrowing it down to the Indian middle class which is the target marketof our case study company. In order to connect the middle class with cultural influenceand car buying decision, it was also important for the writer to give a brief on the preand post liberalization policy in India (1991). These policies have directly influencedconsumers preferences and buying behavior, depending on their income level.  Connections between culture and consumer behavior are explored by the writer such asa brief description on the Indian culture which comprises ofmarriage, religion, festivals,family, language, economy and reformation. All these factors come together and definethe culture of India, which is difficult to comprehend since it is one of the most diversenations in the World. The factors explored (mentioned above), influence an Indianconsumers buying behavior towards even a car purchase. Consumers in many countriesbuy a car due to different factors like: income, social status, need, or luxury. In India, allthese factors, including religion (which have given birth to a habit in consumers to buycertain things on certain religious days as they are celebrated with zeal in India)festivals, fanuly status also contribute towards purchasing decision since there is a trendto gift cars in weddings, purchasing of an asset during religious festivities andfestivals is a commonplace. The writer proves this theory in this paper that sales of cargo up during the wedding, religious, ancl festival season. The case study chosen isMaruti Suzuki Pvt Ltd, which has monopoly in the Indian car industry owing to lowprices which matches the ever growing middle class of India. Thus, concentrating onmiddle class and its proper evaluation has also been done.  The research methodology includes two different surveys conducted among the generalpopulation proving that people purchase Maruti Suzuki brand due to factors alreadyexplained in the paper. However, there are several limitations as well to this study.Getting a cross country survey is a trying task and is not possible to conduct on a largescale. Hence, the number of people surveyed is limited. Another limitation discussed isthe narrowed down search as this topic relationship between culture and consumerbehavior can cover a broader perspective, for the purpose of writing this paper, it hasbeen limited to only the monopoly in the Indian car Industry. The writes concludes thestudy with an effort to further analysis and research on several other industries whichare also affected by cultural factors in India.
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