The Study of Human Resource Management Optimization in Company LensCrafters

来源 :中山大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:brqc
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Human resource management is becoming more and more important in todays Chinese business world, especially in the small and medium businesses which are expected to grow in rapid fashion. Base on the theories and tools on various literatures, the thesis is designed to solve various human resource management problems included optimal headcount calculation, working schedule optimization, core competency model development for each job positions, best practice behavior generation and employee relationship problems which include communication at different level, performance appraisal system, and other labor dispute in an eyewear retailing company.  The data we are getting in this thesis come from both the HR department, which are general information of the company such companys background, headcount number in each store, the monthly sales performance of each employee, job descriptions, cost and revenue of each retail store etc. The second source of information comes from the actual retail store visit of the company which generates primary data for the research. During the store visit, we used a questionnaire that specifically designed for this project to obtain valuable information on various aspects of the company. Also we had in-depth conversations with the employees during the store interview to better understand the current situation of the company from multiple perspectives. Lastly we had silently observed the behaviors of the store employee when they were dealing with the customers in order to generate data for developing a comprehensive training program for the company.  In the thesis, we had summarized a set of best practice behavior for each of the three positions in the retailing store: store manager, optometrist, and general eyewear consultant as well as for staff in general. It helped the company in developing a comprehensive training system for future expansion as well as for improving current employees abilities. Also, this project calculated the optimal number of employees given certain parameters and developed a simple formula for the company to calculate in the future. Also we had provided solutions for optimizing working schedule of the each store such that it maximizes the effectiveness of working hour. Lastly the thesis also had addressed various issues in employees relationship include communication problem, performance appraisal system and other employee dispute which had occurred in this company.  The method we used in the thesis as well as part of its result can be transfer to another industry or enterprise with similar structure. Therefore the thesis is not only providing applicable suggestions to Lens crafters but can also be used as foundation in solving other more complex human resource management problems in the future.
人力资源作为企业的核心资源之一,是企业战略实现的重要支撑。   近年来,重庆机场集团突破体制障碍,锐意改革,推行了一系列人力资源管理改革,尤其在用人、考核、薪酬管理等方面